Dansk - Did she die for her faith? How sure are we about that?
Eight years ago, in a very similar situation I lost 2.5 litres of blood and survived only by the skin of my teeth and the excellent work of two professors, one of obstetric gynacology and a professor of anesthetology who decided they were going to take over my case! When on the table, the inevitable happened I still refused blood. Why? I can only give you my answer but it is a totally honest answer! I was afraid I would be Disfellowshipped if I accepted a blood transfusion! I was more afraid of losing my family and friends than I was of losing my own life. I was terrified of the shame of being seen as a 'dirty' person. After all blood it given two positions in Watchtower lore. It is one, holy and sacred and not to be misused! It is two, germ ridden contaminated product that can kill you from reaction, hepatitis, aids and numerous other diseases. I feared my husband would no longer want me! I feared my family would all abandon me! I feared EVERYTHING BUT DEATH!
So here I am eight years later.
I know why I refused blood! How sure are we that she didn't refuse blood for the same reasons? Answer is, we'll never know as though my gamble paid out, hers didn't!
Full stop answer is SHE IS DEAD! There is nothing to admire about that!
Better a live dog than a dead lion! Now I wonder where that quote comes from?!