i cant see this being a real situation.
those fools (elders) want as many pioneers as they can get because it makes their congregation look better in the circuit. not to mention the fact that you cause their literature orders to be bigger and thus more placements in the field.
i dont see them ever forceing you to step aside as a pioneer no matter what........ unless you had a hand in your daughters dfing or supported her decision or covered it up. even then that would be a jc event.
to be treated thus i would demand an answer as to why they did what they did............ and then speak to the co........... then to the do.................. then write the society. i would demand a reason for all of this, and like the woman in the bible who kept after the judge untill he heard her case just to shut her up.......... i would keep on untill it was settled.
Fact: they cant withold literature from anyone................ even apostates
Fact: they cant refuse to accept your time if your a baptised witness without any service restrictions in place from the BOE
Fact: if your assigned to a bookstudy.......... it dosent matter......... you can still choose to go to the hall for your meetings
Fact: your a sucker for cleaning up their tolits for 2 years
Fact: only one person can stop you from serving god............. and thats you......... these fools cant stop a thing and they never could
ask yourself............... if that religion treats me like this........... when im HONESTLY and SINCERELY doing my best to serve god.................... then shouldnt i go and find another one?
i would leave it in a heart beat.......... they will tell you that there is nothing else out there............ but trust me ......... there is
start going to churches around you.......... find one that serves god the way you do and start attending their meetings.
or if your still brainwashed by that evil organization.............. move to another cong and then get that body of elders to find out what you did................ or move out of state and pretend to be newly interested people who studied before but never got baptised........... pretend you have never been to a KH and just studied with an older lady or something for 3 or 4 years. start studying and then get baptised as a new witness.............. and live like that................... blindly serving an organization that thinks little enough of you to let you fall ........... nah push you through the cracks. if you go far enough away you could likely get away with this............. untill armageddon................ lol........... but wait.......... hasnt that been postponed ....... yet again?