Let's say Christ threw the Devil out in 1914, so what? Does 1914 have any real signifance to a Jehovah's Witness anymore? All I can see is that "this proves we're living in the last days of the last days". Other than bullsh*t reasoning, I see nothing noteworthy over the year. Do you concur?
Do Witnesses Care About Chronology Anymore?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
So do you think JWs give credence to Bible chronology? Or is the "fact" that we're living in the time of the end all that a Witness "knows"?
Where have you been? 1914 to them is the "end of the gentile times", the beginning of the last days, and the date that God's Kingdom was set up in heaven. Lot of significance associated with that date.
Most JWs don't care about Biblical chronology. When the topic is discussed during the weekly book studies, they are content just to answer the questions by quoting what is given in the paragraph and then continuing on to the next question.
A made up fictitious Biblical chronology doesn't have any relevance to a person's day-to-day life.
Since the JW,s think that the end can come today or in 30 years from now, I don't think that 1914 has much importance anymore....as for setting a date for the end.
Amber Rose
No. They don't care about chronology. If you say 1914 is wrong they say, so what if it is, it doesn't affect me, imperfect men, it will be corrected in due time, we have plenty of evidence that proves that we are the only true religion anyway, etc. You have to go point by point through their own teachings and show them why it does matter and how it does affect them. But then they'll probably still say that they don't care.
The JWs I knew in the early 1980s made more of an effort to understand the chronology, but by the time I left in 2003 most couldn't explain it any more. I think the JWs used to be more interested in the bible, doctrine, etc. whereas now they seem to be more interested in the social aspect of being a JW. The club is more important than it's beliefs.
They resemble a motorcycle club where all the members sold their Harleys and bought minivans, yet for some odd reason, still call themselves bikers.
Wasanelder Once
Finally, that's brilliant. I often hear, "I don't care about 1914, it doesn't matter." To the slaughter they go on their miniharleyvans. W.once
The entire foundation of the Watchtower was built upon "Bible chronology".
Even if Jesus set up a kingdom in 1914, all the scriptures showing what would happen from that time has been shown to be in error.
So, when you think about it, the basis of proof that JWs used to show how they were a "special people" is BOGUS! How could any intelligent person ignore this evidence???
VM44: I have seen your avatar, and bow in respect to your power and wisdom!
minimus: Over the past 40 years I have been party to "deep discussions" on chronology in three different states - my dad has always wanted to ... uh, well, let's say he's wanted to understand it all, though we could also say he's also wanted to prove he's smarter than them ... anyway, in EVERY CASE I have heard, the untlimate answer from various elders and overseers has been, "Well, I can't really follow it either, but I just take it on faith that it all makes sense". The answer from the more typical garden-variety JWs has been that they don't really even try to understand it, it's just not that important to them.
Ah, the denial of reason.
Personally, I always thought (even as a child) that if the organization is pinning it's entire authority and reason of existing on a chronology that both proves the end days are here and that they are God's Chosen, then the argument they present had better make pretty good sense - enough sense that anyone can follow it. After all, one of the big selling points of this religion is, "You don't have to take anything on 'faith' - we explain it all!".
So, No, from what I've seen most JWs simply ignore or gloss over the chronology. It's not important to them.