WARNING: Some sites you will find are extremely graphic. I couldn't go to them. I came across this site this morning looking for a christian artist. I'm beside myself with grief for these children. Pictures speak for themselves. How can one view these and take it out of context. These children are being abused. I realize, or hope, that this is just a small segment of their society.
abuse towards children by Muslims
by Guest with Questions 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Well slavery was LEGAL in some islamic countries until 1974 or later, so...
And here I thought they were the religion of peace and could do no wrong. You mean to say all those overpaid college professors across the country are wrong?
words fail me
That video is disgusting. Their behavior is deplorable. I am saddened and angered by it.
emy the infidel
It starts, "Christian boys, are kidnapped from local villages and confined to stay in muslim schools..."
US troops find this and a lot worse, wish more people knew the truth of who these people are.
Thanks for the post.
Islam is a religion from a primitive era and is an anachronism in the century we inhabit. In this it has a lot in common with ancient Biblical morality and history. Islam is a religion that cannot bend and as education makes inroads into its soul it will either have to learn to bend, or it will break.
The advantage that Christianity has over Islam is its ability to bend and evolve to survive within it developing communities. The prevailing forces of the educators forced it to be this way, though it has left an historical trail of fighting tooth and nail to keep its adherents from such education. Right Wing religionists, who preach such nonsense as creationism and uphold to the more primitive tenets of Christianity and Judaism are still living in centuries past and will only last as long as they can keep their 'flock' semi-educated. They have no grounds to sneer at any other religion.
Those who abhor the more uncivilized aspects of Islam and are Christians, need to aknowledge that they developed their present beliefs from a similarly uncivilized past and as such have a compromised moral ground beneath them.
As Shakespeare may have intoned, "a pox on both their houses".
Islam is a religion from a primitive era and is an anachronism in the century we inhabit. In this it has a lot in common with ancient Biblical morality and history. Islam is a religion that cannot bend and as education makes inroads into its soul it will either have to learn to bend, or it will break.
The advantage that Christianity has over Islam is its ability to bend and evolve to survive within it developing communities. The prevailing forces of the educators forced it to be this way, though it has left an historical trail of fighting tooth and nail to keep its adherents from such education. Right Wing religionists, who preach such nonsense as creationism and uphold to the more primitive tenets of Christianity and Judaism are still living in centuries past and will only last as long as they can keep their 'flock' semi-educated. They have no grounds to sneer at any other religion.
Those who abhor the more uncivilized aspects of Islam and are Christians, need to aknowledge that they developed their present beliefs from a similarly uncivilized past and as such have a compromised moral ground beneath them.
As Shakespeare may have intoned, "a pox on both their houses".
Very impressive explanation of reality, HS.
And yet some will read in that truthful description of the history of Islam and Christianity a certain sympathy for Islamic barbarism.
Those who abhor the more uncivilized aspects of Islam and are Christians, need to aknowledge that they developed their present beliefs from a similarly uncivilized past and as such have a compromised moral ground beneath them.
As Shakespeare may have intoned, "a pox on both their houses".
Don't forget the extreme fundamentalist wings of Judaism as well. I'm of Jewish descent, and have stood up against anti-semitism on this board many times, however, fundamentalism sux period. A pox on ALL their houses
Don't forget the extreme fundamentalist wings of Judaism as well. I'm of Jewish descent, and have stood up against anti-semitism on this board many times, however, fundamentalism sux period. A pox on ALL their houses.
I could not agree more. Judaism as expressed in the Old Testament, piled up foreskins and dismembered concubines accepted, is so close to the moral compass of Islam as to render any higher moral tone as hypocritical.
All religions should only be able to operate under Government license. They should all be validated by careful examination at regular periods to ensure that they do their adherents no more harm than believeing in Santa might. Doctors, who hold peoples lives in their hands are put under tremendous scrutiny, and rightly so. If they make mistakes, they end up in court with their nadgers in a jar. Religions who have similar authority over peoples emotional, and often physical lives are excluded such scrutiny. This is pure insanity.
Best regards - HS