And I want you to know that however primitive and barbaric you may have been led to believe Islam is, it does not teach nor condone such behaviour, not against children and not against adults, not against Muslims and not against non-Muslims, not against orphans and not against captives of war.
That depends on how you choose to define exactly what a certain religion is: Is a religion just its religious texts + the interpretations of these texts, as they are interpreted by secular-oriented, liberal theologists...or is it all the other stuff too?!
To me, its all the "other stuff" too. To me, christianity is both the "turn the other cheek" AND the crusades. Christianity is Pauls "the law is written in the heart" but it is ALSO "witches" and "heretics" burning on stakes.
In the same manner, Islam is to me not just "Allah akhbar", its ALSO suicide bombers, indoctrination and abuse of children, beheadings of homosexuals and a number of other atrocities.
Why should the bad stuff be excluded from the definition of what a particular religion really is? Is there any logical reason for this?