To add some more things, what about Jehovah's Witnesses being the happiest people on the planet. They have to constantly be reminded to look and act that way. If they were truly the happiest people in the world, they would certainly need no reminders.
Then there is the crap from the April 1, 1995 Puketower study article. They mentioned that Satan was responsible for people doing fornication. Then this article mentions that Satan is behind people being rejected by the opposite sex (which would make it impossible for them to do fornication). One would deduce from this that Satan is fighting against himself. In that case, I wouldn't need Jehovah's organization to "protect" me from Satan.
One should forgo college, quit one's decent job, and pioneer (using more gas). With gas prices going higher, one should cut their income and boost their expenditure. This is supposed to leave more money. In fact, the whole logic that they save money by not buying rap music, cigarettes, or gambling is totally specious with all the money they spend on donations to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, gas for field circus, and suit dry cleanings. Oh yes, they are supposed to donate the money they imagine they are saving to that Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.