Jehovah's Witnesses Are An Illogical People & They Should Be Embarrassed!

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    To add some more things, what about Jehovah's Witnesses being the happiest people on the planet. They have to constantly be reminded to look and act that way. If they were truly the happiest people in the world, they would certainly need no reminders.

    Then there is the crap from the April 1, 1995 Puketower study article. They mentioned that Satan was responsible for people doing fornication. Then this article mentions that Satan is behind people being rejected by the opposite sex (which would make it impossible for them to do fornication). One would deduce from this that Satan is fighting against himself. In that case, I wouldn't need Jehovah's organization to "protect" me from Satan.

    One should forgo college, quit one's decent job, and pioneer (using more gas). With gas prices going higher, one should cut their income and boost their expenditure. This is supposed to leave more money. In fact, the whole logic that they save money by not buying rap music, cigarettes, or gambling is totally specious with all the money they spend on donations to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, gas for field circus, and suit dry cleanings. Oh yes, they are supposed to donate the money they imagine they are saving to that Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

  • Farkel

    : Can you think of other proofs that the Witness religion is totally illogical???

    Outside of two or three thousand examples, I can't come up with many more.

    How about John 1:1? We have "God" and "a god" in the WTS version of that verse in their Bible. But the Bible tells us there is only ONE "true" god, yet the "Word" (Jesus) is "a god." Now, since Freddie Franz made Jesus a "little" god by using a lower case letter on his title of 'God' that does not change anything. The original Greek didn't have capital or lower case gods.

    Yep. Freddie tried to pull the big con on us.

    The logical question (to keep in tune with the theme of your thread) is: if "God" is "God" and Jesus is "a god" and there is only ONE true God, then Jesus must be a false "god." This is logical, since if there is only ONE true God, then all other Gods are false, but since Jesus is also "a god" then dubs must be polytheists, i.e. they believe in multiple gods.

    Praise Allah! (ahem!)


  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    Farkle, its NOT JWs confusion on this part, but the bible itself. it says there is ONLY ONE GOD but talks about angels as gods and sons of gods and Jesus as a god [according to the very first foreign language translation-coptic] and satan as god of this world... JWs and trinitarians are just applying two different stradegies to try to figure out a bible f- up.

  • minimus

    I liked Farkel's logic more than yours, Dave. Farkel gets the nickle.

  • seven006


    Quit sucking up to Doug! He’s not any more impressed by your lame attempts at agenda orientated cyber flattery than I am. Both he and I have told you many times before. NO! it ain’t go’en-ta ever happen! So stop with the flattery crap ya fruit cup.

    BTW, thanks for the last photos you sent of your grand-cookie-eater. Mine is still better looking and smarter than yours but given her genealogy, it’s understandable. Poor kid.

    Bite me,


  • minimus

    Dave, you're just jealous over my relationship with Farkel. You know he digs me more than he does you. I understand your jealousy issues. But my granddaughter is way cooler than any of your grandkids.

  • Elyse867

    A reply to the meat question... In the Bible, God gave Noah permission to eat animals, as long as they were properly bled, and treated nicely. Throughout the 'old testament' there are rules about how to treat your working animals... i.e.-- when your animal is milling the grain it is not to be muzzled, so that it can eat some of the grain if it's hungry. SO REALLY the question is here--- Why do JWs eat meat from factory farms where the animals live in terrible conditions, shot up with 300+ drugs, hormones and antibiotics,(resulting in cancer, diabetes, and thousands of other conditions when we eat the animals) then tortured before being inhumanely slaughtered for yummy meals? That goes a little against God's rules I think. Plus, factory farming is one of the biggest contributers to global warming, and let's not forget that 'God will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth.' Just MENTION the word vegetarian or anything about helping the environment to any dub and you'll more than likely get an earful about us being in the time of the end, the Earth won't get better, God gave us 'dominion over the animals' yadda yadda yadda. Plus, you'll get laughed at OR brought to the Elders to discuss your new vegetarian religion. I've had this discussion with my mom so many times, and she agrees with me about animals being treated to wrongly, and agrees that it is probably something 'detestable' to Jehovah, yet she continues to eat meat with the attitude that she's not torturing the animal or polluting the environment, and it wouldn't help if she stopped anyway. JWs are some of the most pessimistic people I've ever met. Oh, BTW, yes I'm a vegan, tree hugger. So go ahead and un-like me now. ;P But I'm not the shove-it-down-your-throat type that gives us a bad name. I got my fill of that being raised a dub. ;P

  • minimus

    Elyse, interesting perspective.

  • Farkel


    : Quit sucking up to Doug!

    Quit sucking up to Minimus, you nitwit!

    Farkel, glad to see that Dave is alive and as feisty as ever

  • Elyse867

    minimus-- Why, thank you! ;)

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