Jehovah's Witnesses Are An Illogical People & They Should Be Embarrassed!

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    To add some more things, what about Jehovah's Witnesses being the happiest people on the planet. They have to constantly be reminded to look and act that way. If they were truly the happiest people in the world, they would certainly need no reminders.

    Along with the more obvious and glaring faults with WTS teachings....this is an interesting observation. How many "other religions" can you think of that are constantly harping on the idea that only THEY are the happiest people on earth.....and as you said---- they would not NEED these remainders if they truly felt this.

  • Shawn10538

    I've always thought that laughter is an appropriate response to ridiculous doctrine of any church, but especially JWs, Mormons and the other cults. Sometimes when I protest at the Conventions, as partr of my schtick I just stand there and laugh uproriously and point my finger at them and hold my belly. NOTHING gets them as mad as being laughed at.

  • minimus

    Shawn, maybe they just think you're crazy.

  • tere1998

    When I was little, I asked my dad why it was ok to eat meat when it looked like there was still some blood in it when it "leaked". He said it wasn't enough to make a difference as long as most of the blood was out. HA

    Why is it ok to eat turkey on Thanksgiving (because they are cheap) but wrong to decorate your house in a winter theme (pine branches and holly).

    Why are wedding customs accepted as ok when they have pagan origins?

    Also, I'd like to know why it's wrong to go to college and support your family but it is ok to be a leech on the government or your family, and collect welfare, food stamps, disability, unemployment, etc., when people are able to work? The Bible says that a "man who does not provide for his family is worse than a person without faith." I would think that would apply to a single woman as well (me). The leechers who had more time to spend in the stupid field "circus" were held in high regard while I was shunned for working my butt off to get a degree to support my child and could not make it to all the meetings. I finally got the message that I didn't belong with those people!

    They can kiss my a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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