I`ve got a nice gym up here at the Ranch..Rows of dumbells.A few barbells.Lots of free wieghts..And..A few machines.....My hand is healed up from being crushed in the Ranch Gate and I wanted to get back to working out.....I needed a new bench press.Something a little more up to date..So..I headed for civilization......Canadian Tire had a nice one for $149.95..Walmart had one better for $89.95..$89.00 for a bench of that quality???..I`ll take it!..LOL!!..........So..I went and got a shopping cart,so I could put the boxed up bench press,in it..I went to pick up the box..I could barely lift it!..It was like it was bolted to the floor.....Was I so out of shape from not working out,I couldn`t lift the bench I wanted to exercise on???..LOL!!.....I managed to get the box waist high and almost into the cart..But not quite..The box is resting on the edge of the shopping cart and moving away from me..Now I`m chasing a shopping cart down the isle trying to get the frigg`n box into it.I looked like an idiot!..LOL!!..Finally a lady took pity on me and held the shopping cart steady..I got that miserable box into the shopping cart!..LOL!!......I got to the check-out and told the cashier neither one of us wanted to try to lift this box out of the cart.I needed the energy to get it into the truck..I wrestled it into the truck and drove back to the ranch.....I got my heavy duty dolly out and put the box on it..It was a pain in the ass to move,using the dolly!!..It took everything to pull the dolley up the stairs and get it into the house.....I wanted to see what was in this box,that made it soooooo dam heavy!!......I opened the box and there was my disassembled bench..And..A Set of Weights!!..WTF!!.....A $149.95 bench,for $89.95 and a set of weights???..Now thats a Bargain!!........What is the Best Bargain,you received on a Purchase?...OUTLAW
..Your Best Bargain!..
by OUTLAW 24 Replies latest jw friends
My divorce. Best money I ever spent.
I got a damn decent weight bench at a garage sale for $10 from a couple of old ladies. :)
I got a broken Pioneer 3-head tape deck at a garage sale for 50 cents. I fixed it up and it works great. These tape decks go for $200+ on ebay.
I also got two working Marantz portable 3-head cassette decks at a garage sale for $4. These go for about $60-70 each on ebay.
Got myself a nice Oscilliscope at a garage sale for $10. They go for around $200-300 brand new.
My best bargain was probably the complete drum set (minus symbals) I got at a garage sale for $15. I don't have it anymore, but that's another story for another time.
How can you tell I'm the ultimate bargain hunter?
horrible life
I had always wanted a make up case/luggage. You know the ones, about a 8"H x 12"W x 8"L Put all of your toiletries in, semi hard, cute.
Went to Sam Moon in Frisco, Texas. Great store for purses and jewelry. Spied a huge area of luggage in a corner. There was a pile of make-up cases. I went over, and picked up, the display, a black one, with pink polka-dots. Too cute!!! $13.95. Lots of room, zipper close, wide shoulder strap. They had 2 sizes on display. Small and Large. I only saw the Large ones for sale. I picked up the one I wanted, it was very heavy. I unwrapped it, and inside was the smaller one, with another strap. I asked the sales lady, $13.95 for both? YES
I bought 10 sets, and gave them for Christmas. My daughter separated 4 of them, and gave them to her friends for Christmas. That was 3 years ago, and mine still is going strong.
I got a broken Pioneer 3-head tape deck at a garage sale for 50 cents. I fixed it up and it works great. These tape decks go for $200+ on ebay.
Glad to see another audiophile on the Board.
I have a Nakamichi Dragon, a Nakamich CR7 and a Vector Research 3 head. I have recorded CD's with the CR7 ( my favorite) and in a test to test playback is virtually indistinguishable from the master. Cassette tapes are an excellent medium and those who grimace at the mention of them seem to forget that most masters consist of tapes.
Mind you, I wish I could have picked up my Nakamichi's for $4.00. The Dragon set me back a pretty penny.
I once got laid for free. That was a good bargain.
Nosferatu..Bargains on gym equipment are nice..So many people buy exercise equipment..Then realize,you have to exercise to use it..LOL!!.........Horrible life..10 sets??..Your the "Bargain Monster!"..LOL!!.................HS..Any advise on buying a guitar?..A good Learner`s Guitar..I don`t like equipment that discourages you from learning..Something that handles well,with a nice sound..Thanks!...............Dorktackular..You got laid for free once..???..I suppose depending on who you are,that could be a bargain..
The deck I bought is the top one in this pic:
I actually own two of these. After seeing how much these go for on Ebay and finding another one for $25, I grabbed it. It's in need of a belt kit which costs about $10.
I think the Nakamichis are the only decks that top the Pioneer decks that I've got in terms of value.
The Marantz units I have are also quite fantastic. They've got a phone jack built into them which is incredibly useful. There's a pic of one in my most recent blog entry:
I've been an audiophile for years now. I used to master all my recordings on reel to reel tapes before computers were capable of making high quality recordings.
I went to CVS today and Priloce otc was on sale for 25$. It's usually 29, then I used my CVS card and got the second box for 20$.
When I was a tool maker, we used to get paid for 8 hours and ate our lunch while we worked that was a pretty good deal.