A man who knows who he is and can be with who I am. Someone who is supportive and empathetic, who can be with my emotions without feeling the need to "fix" me. A man who enjoys his work but still makes time to be with me, and is present during the times we're together, not caught up in his head with work or other concerns.
I want a man with whom I share a spiritual connection, someone whose presence in my life adds to who I am and makes me see the world with new eyes. Someone who's awakened to the illusions of this life and is not afraid to be wrong. Someone who's more interested in the journey than the destination.
I'm a very sexual person and love to explore so I'd have to have a partner who is willing to have fun with me. Someone who is comfortable with their own body and loves touch. Someone who thinks 8 hours of love-making is time well-spent.
Oh, and he must love children.
tall penguin
What Kind of Man Do you Women Want in a Relationship ?
by flipper 35 Replies latest jw friends
tall penguin
CARLA- I'm sorry you lost that man you had, pre-witnesses. It is so wrong that the witnesses stress husbands and wives putting the organization first before marriage and family ! They don't realize all the damage that causes in happy home lives. I hope you get your husband back and get him out of the cult before it's too late, or he sees the scandals in the cult and gets out on his own ! Peace to you.
NONI 1974- Smart guys, who will listen to you ! Loves you and accepts you as you are ! Every girls wish !
SATANUS- Thanks for your compassion to Carla. She definitely has a tough road to navigate !
JOHN DOE- Yeah, buddy. We all know you are the stud from hell ! LOL! The one that tries on different clothes, was it? Women?
PURPLE SOFA- So you like a confident man who knows what he wants and knows what he is doing, how to get it? Kind of a more involved version of what Mrs. Jones said too! Good qualities you mentioned gracious and loving, who appreciates you! Good stuff!
RONIN1- I'm glad you found a wonderful man who understands and has good insights on people and life ! He sounds stable emotionally, mentally, and otherwise! Cool !
TALL PENGUIN- I agree it is better to find a guy who accepts you and doesn't want to " fix " you. We men want that also in a woman ! You want a guy who enjoys the journey with you, adds to your life, and concentrates on you not letting his mind wander when with you. Loving children is an important thing too! They are tomorrows adults! And last, but not least he should be comfortable with his body and be sexually healthy ! Many people underestimate the importance of this , but in my marriage with Mrs. Flipper it draws you closer, the touching and emotional holding and connection, it's so important to stay close that way, I agree! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I have some more to add to my list:
- I like a guy who can appreciate listening to NPR on Saturdays. I don't agree with everything I hear on NPR as far as politics go, but there are so many good shows and lots of intelligent humor. I love Prarie Home Companion and Car Talk. What do you know? Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me.... All of those.
- I also would like a guy who not only enjoys music, but has a broad range of taste in music. One that could play an instrument and carry a tune would be nice, or at least not be afraid to sing along with the radio or go karaoke. A guy who can't live without visting the library at least a couple of times or more a month....a good kind of addiction. Someone who is open minded when it comes to spirituality would be a plus. I like traveling when I can afford to. I love taking scenic drives and I would go camping if it wasn't too, too primative.
- My future is very uncertain in the romance department right now. I think having some good friends would be a good start. And if something develops beyond friendship with the right person, that might not be a bad thing.
FLYING HIGH NOW- Mrs. Flipper and I enjoy going on camping trips and drives together, we both love the mountains and wilderness! I sing to her all the time , sang to her on our first date, on the way home from listening to music at a club! She loved it ! We both love music too, blues, rock, reggae, you name it! Sounds like you enjoy that kind of stuff too ! ever thought of joining E-harmony.com? It's how I met Mrs. Flipper ! They will match you up with people who enjoy the same interests you have! Just a thought Good luck !
No, I haven't considered a service like E Harmony. Do you have any brothers? I am not sure what's going to become of Andy. It looks less hopeful all the time. The odd thing is, now that I've moved, I'm getting much more attention than when I was in Michigan. This is something I certainly didn't expect. It's hard to know what to do in a situation like the one I find myself in.
if it wasn't for the fact I have smelly armpits,hairy teeth,bad breath,crusty socks,incontinence and piles.......it would be me ......burp,fart.....hic
The man every woman wants?
FLYING HIGH NOW- Well , unfortunately my brother 60, 12 years older is a married elder in the witnesses LOL! Anyway, I'm better looking! LOL! Just joking! I understand your situation though. Did you move away from Michigan? Maybe you could try a dating service like E-harmony, it's worth a try!? Are you and this Andy still together? Maybe it's time to try looking for a quality guy ! If you want more ideas feel free to pm me or my wife! Peace to you !
NINJA- If I was a woman, I'd set my hair on fire and start running the other way, screaming after encountering you !!! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Hey, Mr. Flipper, my session is ending at the library. I'll come back Monday to JWD at work. Thank you for the encouragement.
FLYING HIGH NOW- Any time my friend, any time ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper