Opray Winfreys handling of sexual child abuse~an example for Governing Body

by purplesofa 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • purplesofa


    I respect your response and I understand what you are saying.

    And as long as the "organization" compares themselves to all other business organizations, then we can expect the same solutions to problems.

    BUT, they are supposed to be the Organization that is going to RULE the whole world, with the Almighty creator of the planet, using them. We are all going to be subjects under that rule, if they have it their way. They are very primitive, and in a very early infancy of learning anything. They should be the EXAMPLE everyone else would want to follow.

    What they are teaching is handed down and duplicated to every branch, district, circuit, region, area ........

    Come on now, they can do much better than they are doing..........afterall they have Gods backing.


  • dinah

    Oprah shed tears and got to work. She is amazing. She was visibly upset by what happened. She is amazing and I love her.

  • AllTimeJeff

    The fact is that if they really did have the truth, they would right these wrongs. Money would be no object over the proper and just treatment of pedophile victims. After all, if poor pioneers have to put their faith in Jehovah for their needs, then so should they WTBTS. Take care of these people and let Jehovah provide the money for their dumb printing and building projects. If you have the truth that is. BUT THE FLOCK SHOULD COME FIRST!

    These idiots never admit a goddam thing they ever do. All for money... I am getting mad just typing this....

  • Trevanian
    I would just like to comment on how saddened and angry I am that this one individual has ruined the lives of some poor young girls and tarnished my country by her terrible actions. This is a country that has come a long way in a short time and what this one woman has wiped out so much good that has been done by so many great people her in SA.

    Princess Daisy Boo, your sadness and anger are misdirected.

    This one individual hasn't single-handedly tarnished your country by her terrible actions. Quite simply, by being caught she has alerted the world to the ongoing actions of literally tens of thousands of South Africans who abuse poor young girls, unchecked, unstopped, unexposed. And the tens of thousands more who know about abuse and silently turn a blind eye to it.

    One woman hasn't "wiped out so much good". Those tens of thousands of abusers are wiping out so much good on a daily basis.

    Rather, the fact this this one woman was caught and exposed internationally has probably done a huge amount of good.

    May this set of incidents at least cause a subtle shift in South Africa's culture of acceptance of sexual and other abuse.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I agree with Qcmbr. I also think if Oprah could do less and get away with it she would. Screw Oprah! How about helping out children in your own country?

  • purplesofa
    I also think if Oprah could do less and get away with it she would. Screw Oprah! How about helping out children in your own country?

    I am glad your statement is only your opinion and not fact~~~~ in that if Oprah could do less she would. If you look at how Oprah does anything it is not to do as little as she can to get away with what she can. I really don't want to get into I LOVE OPRAH and everything she does. That was not my reason for starting this thread.

    How about helping out children in your own country

    I figure it is her money and she can do with it as she pleases. If it were government money then your questioning might have some merit.

    Thanks Trevanian for your comments to Princess Daisy Poo


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Sorry if it seemed I was trying to attack anyone who loves Oprah. It just seems people often give her too much credit. She does good, but I think half of it is only to keep up with her PR. Not that I can blame her, if helping people made me billions of dollars I would do it too. Again though I think her money would have better spent helping Kids here, sigh perhaps I am a selfish American prick though. OK I am a selfish prick.

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Trevanian and Purple Sofa, you misunderstand me!!

    I am by no means minimising the damage that the "tens of thousands" of child abusers do to children here in South Africa and the rest of the world for that matter... what I am talking about is the reputation of my country. Yes, we as a country have problems, as do so many other countries (the USA has George Bush for goodness sakes) but we have come a long way, and people like this who not only damage the lives of the people they are directly in contact with, but create an impression of this country that damages the entire country as a whole. I do believe that this event can be used for good - victims can be encouraged to come forward and these girls have been empowered etc, but the damage to the country's reputation is irreparable.

  • Trevanian

    Dear Princess Daisy Boo

    Your heart might be in the right place, but in my humble opinion your rhetoric needs some work.

    ... people like this who... create an impression of this country that damages the entire country as a whole.

    Oprah's one sexually abusive dorm matron didn't "create an impression" of South Africa "that damages the entire country". The public relations (PR) term "create an impression" worries the hell out of me, and contributes to my concern that you are more worried about the image of your country than the realities of your country.

    Sweetie, what actually did the damage was the capture/apprehension of this woman. And the resultant realisation on the world stage that abuse of women IS LARGELY considered *okay* in South Africa.

    Your knee-jerk reaction may be: "But abuse is not considered okay in South Africa." If you have lived in South Africa your whole life, I can understand why you may feel this way.

    With about a quarter of all school girls abused at school at some stage during their primary and high school years in South Africa, oftentimes by male teachers, and I mean OFTEN, I'll tell you absolutely for free that this is a problem that Oprah's dorm matron did not in any way cause.

    Her actions merely alerted an influential international media figure to it's existence.

    The reputation of South Africa was tarnished by one person in ten thousands being caught, perhaps. But not by one person.

    ... and these girls have been empowered etc, but the damage to the country's reputation is irreparable.

    The "damage" to South Africa's reputation is irreparable???

    Irreparable is a big word. Um, what exactly are you talking about here?

    If anything, abuse of girls in South Africa is now on the world map more than before, if only slightly. Aren't you as a South African happy about that?

    By exposing one abuser at a time, South Africa will eventually be healed.

    but we have come a long way

    Absolutely. It will take a few generations, and South Africa will be healed, but please don't let denial intercept that process.

  • Trevanian

    Having said all that, I adore Oprah.

    I truly believe she should be the US president. The one after Hilary.

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