Dear Princess Daisy Boo
Your heart might be in the right place, but in my humble opinion your rhetoric needs some work.
... people like this who... create an impression of this country that damages the entire country as a whole.
Oprah's one sexually abusive dorm matron didn't "create an impression" of South Africa "that damages the entire country". The public relations (PR) term "create an impression" worries the hell out of me, and contributes to my concern that you are more worried about the image of your country than the realities of your country.
Sweetie, what actually did the damage was the capture/apprehension of this woman. And the resultant realisation on the world stage that abuse of women IS LARGELY considered *okay* in South Africa.
Your knee-jerk reaction may be: "But abuse is not considered okay in South Africa." If you have lived in South Africa your whole life, I can understand why you may feel this way.
With about a quarter of all school girls abused at school at some stage during their primary and high school years in South Africa, oftentimes by male teachers, and I mean OFTEN, I'll tell you absolutely for free that this is a problem that Oprah's dorm matron did not in any way cause.
Her actions merely alerted an influential international media figure to it's existence.
The reputation of South Africa was tarnished by one person in ten thousands being caught, perhaps. But not by one person.
... and these girls have been empowered etc, but the damage to the country's reputation is irreparable.
The "damage" to South Africa's reputation is irreparable???
Irreparable is a big word. Um, what exactly are you talking about here?
If anything, abuse of girls in South Africa is now on the world map more than before, if only slightly. Aren't you as a South African happy about that?
By exposing one abuser at a time, South Africa will eventually be healed.
but we have come a long way
Absolutely. It will take a few generations, and South Africa will be healed, but please don't let denial intercept that process.