With logic like that you can't loose!
Stupid Idiots at the meeting
by B_Deserter 35 Replies latest jw experiences
I hate those evil bastards.
So...the next movie title should be...
"The Happy Window Washer"
"If money is a curse, may God smite me with it!"---- From fiddler on the Roof
For the newbies regarding VM's comment:
The dub presented the most simple form of argument called a syllogism, two assertions and a conclusion. To determine if an argument is logical or not, we have to assume that each argument is true (even if we know they aren't). If the conclusion MUST necessarily follow assuming the two assumptions are true, then the argument is logical. If the assertions are true and the conclusion necessarily follows, the argument is sound. If not, it is unsound.
So, let's look at blockhead dubbie's argument again:
(1) Hollywoold movies always portray rich people as happy and sucessful.
Ok, we will assume this.
(2) This is a lie.
Ok, we will assume this, too.
(3) Therefore Satan controls the film industry.
Satan was not a part of either assertion, so this argument not only illogical, it is unsound too.
VM stated: "This is a good example of a Non sequitur." VM is right. The conclusion does not follow from the assertions. We could easily make this argument logical:
(1) Hollywoold movies always lie by portraying rich people as happy and sucessful.
(2) All lies originate from Satan.
(3) Therefore, Satan influences the film industry.
While logical, the argument is still unsound. The movies Citizen Kane and Scarface alone defeat the argument.
Also for newbies: a syllogism can have two assertion which are true and a conclusion which is true, and still not be logical. This is the most deceptive form of non-sequitur.
All banks are financial institutions. (true)
Wells Fargo is a financial institution. (true)
Therefore Wells Fargo is a bank. (true)
What's wrong with this argument? The "middle" (financial institution) has not been defined in the argument. We know that Savings and Loans are financial institutions and so are Credit Unions, but that hasn't been stated in the argument. The argument was NOT that all financial institutions were banks, only that Wells Fargo was one.
If our conclusion was stated differently, by changing "Wells Fargo" to "Potato Chips", we could readily see that even if "Potato Chips" WERE a financial institution, it doesn't necessary mean "Potato Chips" are a bank!
For the best and most complete references to unsound, illogical and fallacious arguments, may I suggest reading the nearest WTS publication at hand.
More on syllogisms:
Homerovah the Almighty
The Kingdom halls are not actually a great think tank of intellectuals
There is a purposeful intent to make everything outside of the organization to be driven by Satan the devil and therefore evil
But God's earthly organization and his people are true and righteous as being the opposite, this in part is one of the mechanics that mentally trap people
in this religion in the first place !
This is one of the things I always HATED regarding the JWs. If you did have money, you were ridiculed, looked down upon and everyone told everyone else that you were 'striving for material things.' My hubby and I own a janitorial service, yes, we clean toilets, and get paid good for it. We were inactive for quite a while, when one Saturday, the dubs knocked on the door. My hubby answered, and the 'brother' said, "Oh, I knew this HAD to be ----'s house!" It was a larger two story house, and we had a box in the driveway from a new big screen TV we bought. Then there was the Elder that always referred to my hubby as 'Donald Trump.' We really didn't even have that much money. It was probably that they could see that we're HAPPY, because we have a good RELATIONSHIP, and assume it was because we weren't struggling financially.... which we are now, mainly because we got into real estate before it crashed... so you know what they say now? Of course it's because we 'left Jehovah.' :twitch:
thats one of the many things that make me cringe when i hear it..the all in inclusive statements..college educated olks are not happy or fulfilled.musicians are sinners.gays are perverted and making the choice.millionaires are unhappy and immoral.poor folks are 'hungry' for god.EVERYONE is out to get you.all witnesses are good and happoy..sheesh..you are right,they are idiots...
If you're a dub and you're ''wealthy'' (relative term mind you) - jehoobooba is blessing you
If you're ''worldly'' and ''wealthy'' - satan likes you and is ''blessing'' you
If you're a ''goody-goody'' JW and you're poor - Jehoobooba will reward you if you wait and if remain a good little dub
If you're a ''bad'' JW (aka: missing meetings, slacking in FS, having fun) - then you are poor because you don't put spiritual things first.
Homerovah the Almighty
Thats both funny and sad Elyse who should be calling who Donald Trump , the WTS. have been buying and selling multi million dollar real-state
for years and investing some of those profits in mutual funds and the stock market and thats not called being materialistic ...... can you say hypocritical crooks.
It's probably for that reason that if any good standing JWS was to ask for full discloser of the WTS. financial picture that DA or even DF proceedings would be brought
against the individual promptly.
Corruption follows power and money