Now that I can see right through the crap that is the JW religion, I sometimes ask myself - how come you blindly believed all that rubbish for 30 years??!! I am so annoyed with myself for that - I have a degree, yet I was totally duped for such a large part of my life. And now that I can see how so full of holes it all is, I kick myself for not seeing it before. Anyone else feel like that?
Why was I so blind?
by James Free 31 Replies latest jw friends
Compared with the rest of religion, alot of what they taught made sense. After all, in most other religions you don't learn anything. It's 99% social/entertainment. It's like the difference between 3rd grade and high school and the reason you can't go back to church.
Vernon Williams
Here was my conclusion:
I was in from age five to forty seven.
When I engaged people in religious discussion, I was pretty fact, better than most defending the WT position. Most people are unable to defend thier Christian faith.
So, I was "hearing" a error filled series of statements put forth with confidence and vigor against a defense of apathy or ignorance.
I was mixing up the quality of the presentation with the factualness of it: so I duped myself to a large degree. A well presented arguement is not, for reason of the quality, "truthful."
Anyhow, the above is poorly writen: I am exhausted and going to bed...
Hang tough: duped as we were, it is all a part of Journey: and , you are doing better, now, along with the rest of it. NOW it will get better and better....
With all in understanding your frustration with Self,
rose petal
James, definately, when I started studying 30 years ago, I gave the guy who studied with my ex and I such a hard time! I took the mags and it said something about 144,000, and the next time the guy came I asked who are they. His wife said, oh, that's such a hard question to ask, and it will take ages to answer. So, of course, I wanted an answer bigtime!
I even said that it was logical, you know, Adam sinning, lost his life, Jesus another perfect life, gave his voluntarily. That was 30 years ago, though, no new light then!
rose petal
wha happened?
hey we all were. I was talking to a buddy of mine that served as an elder b4 he faded off. I said to him that occasionally I have a "what the hell was I thinking about" moment from time to time. He laughed & agreed. Along with a few "how was I sold on crazy" moments.
so many here have said that.
Even me.
Just glad you are now out.
And you know better, and different
'There are none so blind as those who will not see'
When we were trapped in that so called religion, we could not afford to see, we had to stay deluded
the consequences of looking and listening to those doubts would and eventually did rock us to our core.
I think those of us who have chosen to really look and examine the facts have been tremendously courageous.
It takes a strong person to admit they have been wrong or duped.
I ask myself that every day, and now wonder in amazement at how my intelligent parents (and very logical father) can hold such strong convictions to such an embarrassing load of rubbish.
Isn't it just obvious, its just a bag of poo.
But I too fell for it, what a numbskull.
Mrs Smith
Compared with the rest of religion, alot of what they taught made sense. After all, in most other religions you don't learn anything. It's 99% social/entertainment. It's like the difference between 3rd grade and high school and the reason you can't go back to church.
Wow. That must be the most ignorant comment I've read in a long time. I've learnt more in about the bible in the 3 years that I have been a Christian than in the 20 years i was a JW. With the JW you get the some rehashed information week after week! After the initial bible study with the JW there is nothing more to learn, no deeper understanding.