Why was I so blind?

by James Free 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Thank you Mrs. Smith you put it so much more diplomatically than I was going to.

  • R.F.

    I too ask myself this sometimes. I can't believe how devoted to the religion I once was. We should be so glad that we're among some that saw the truth about "The Truth" eventually.

  • flipper

    JAMES- Don't be too hard on yourself. The watchtower society is a cult which used cult mind control on all of us , from the most intelligent to the least intelligent humans ! That being said, I still have red welt marks on my butt from kicking myself over being decieved also ! LOL! So I completely understand your frustration ! But, the good part is it is in the past, leave it there. Now ,look to the rest of your life as a chance to do positive things for yourself and others ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Gilberto
    But, the good part is it is in the past, leave it there. Now ,look to the rest of your life as a chance to do positive things for yourself and others !

    Amen Mr Flipper

  • Undecided

    Hi Mrs. Smith,

    Your comment: I've learnt more in about the bible in the 3 years that I have been a Christian than in the 20 years i was a JW.

    If Christain religions understand the bible so well, why are there so many different views of what it means by them. Haven't you noticed how many different christain religions there are? I've been going to church for a year or so and I can't see how the bible makes any sense anymore. The only thing I see that they all agree on is, "You must have faith" in whatever you believe the bible to mean. I guess faith means some feeling you have that says to you that you are saved or some emotional feeling you have that says to you that it's God's holy spirit. Or maybe you need to roll on the floor and speak some crazy words, or push someone on the head and have them fall backward and be healed. I still believe what old Rutherford said, "Religion is a snare and a racket."

    I guess it does serve some people well though, it gives them some sort of peace and hope and a feeling of closeness with others. If you like it, it's you choice, I guess I'm heading for hell fire though, if I don't drink his blood and eat his flesh.

    Ken P.

  • nvrgnbk

    If you look at the many different brands of rubbish believed in this world in their totality, JWism is just a slighty weirder and less well-known brand.

    We feel so bad about our consumption of it because we bought it exclusively and passionately.

    There are ex-Mormons, ex-Scientologists, ex-Pentecostals, ex-WCG, ex-Muslims, ex-Christians, etc., etc. feeling equally stupid this morning about having consumed so enthusiastically their particular brand of choice.


    http://ocmb.xenu.net/ocmb/index.php?sid=d495dc4d6c13cf29596ceca589cd9a09 (Operation Clambake- Aiding ex-Scientologists and helping lurking Scientologists to get their lives back)

    http://ex-pentecostals.org/ (Standing Against Manipulation)

    http://www.exitsupportnetwork.com/resrch/ltrsoths/ltrsoth.htm (exit support for Worldwide Church of God members)

    http://www.islam-watch.org/ ( ex-Muslims telling the truth about Islam)



  • dawg

    It was pure peer pressure form those in which we love the most... plain and simple... you see your parents and friends all believeing this rubbish and you just go along.

    I never really believed this crap, but I went along for 28 years. I remember that I never even believed the Adam and Eve crap.., finally my Dad just said it'd be OK if I just looked at it fugurativly. He got so tired from arguing with me and he finally gave up.

    Nah! I just went along for the ride knowing all the while that a stage was being set for a showdown... Now the showdown is complete and most of my family won't talk to me...I'm actually glad in some ways.

  • freyd

    To those who think they've learned so much after leaving the WT, your ignorance must have been truly profound. Perhaps you'd like to share with the class the extent of that ignorance along with what you've learned and which individuals or group has been responsible for your new enlightenment.

  • shopaholic
    I too ask myself this sometimes. I can't believe how devoted to the religion I once was.

    Same here!

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith
    To those who think they've learned so much after leaving the WT, your ignorance must have been truly profound. Perhaps you'd like to share with the class the extent of that ignorance along with what you've learned and which individuals or group has been responsible for your new enlightenment.

    Hi Freyd

    I hope that you did not take offence to my comment. I'm truely sorry if you did. Just to say that most religions are just for social and entertainment purposes is a very limited view on things. I'm not going to get into a Christian believers vs non believers debate. It's been done to death on this forum and I will not take the bait. I was just making the point that if your experience of religion is limited to JW, how can you comment on how other religions are run. I'm sure that people that study paganism or wicca learn and study. I'm sure that to become a Muslim you have to learn what's in the Koran. To convert to judaism you have to learn and study. I mentioned my experience because that's what it is, my experience. I have learnt a lot with the church that I'm attending. I was speaking of my personal experience. I have the right to believe in the bible. I'm not asking anyone else to. I just think that to make a broad comment on most religions when you have not been in most religions is ignorant.

    Sorry undecided, I'm not going to get into a debate with you. You have just as much right not to believe as I do to believe.

    Edited to correct bad spelling.

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