No, but I want to see it. People getting rich at the expense of those in misery is criminal. The role of government is to provide for the general welfare. That the United States refuses to do this, but is willing to conduct wars on any false pretense shows that there's something massive going on behind the scenes. Is it just money, or something more sinister? I suspect the later. And it's been going on for a long time. Satanism combined with statecraft. Pray for the Kingdom.
Anyone watched the film 'Sicko'?
by katiekitten 54 Replies latest jw friends
Socialism, Communism, or any form of communalism is never free because it will always cost you your freedom. When you are dependant on others for all of your needs you are controlled by these others who control your needs. The rejection of government imposed communalism is not about greed or selfishness it is about freedom and free people are happy and more productive people, hence free (noncommunalistic) cultures have always out done communalistic cultures due to increased productivity and creative invention/innovation.
Um you are dependant on other no matter what weither you are in a capitalist, socialist, or communist system. You just pay for it with a capitalist system.
Most of the problems in the U.S.A.'s health care systems are caused by socialist government intrusion into the health care business. The disasterous employer-based insurance system was primarily the fault of goverment imposed wage controls which led to health insurance being offered as a hiring incentive to get around wage controls. If Americans had continued to shop for and buy their own health insurance competition would have helped to keep prices down.
Nope most of the problem in the US system have to do with profit making. Do you want a health system that is more worried about making a profit or taking care of people.
Also the insurance covered population is forced to pay all the extra costs incured because of the government imposed requirment that private hospitals must provide "free" care for anyone who stumbles into the emergency room for treatment. Most of these cases could easily be handled by private charity if the government had kept their noses out of it. These outrageous costs are passed on to the insurance companies who pass them along in higher premiums. I haven't even mentioned our ridiculous medicare/medicaid systems which provide subsidized health care for wealthy retirees who could easily afford to pay for their own health care.
Private charity your are joking right for those that can't afford the ER. The private charity system we have now is buckling under the strain of the poor and middle class people that are using it currently. Which is sick that the middle class have been forced to use charity system to help there severely ill children.
Our draconian drug laws, corrupted court system, and the extreme regulation of the pharmacuitical industry is also responsible for our high costs. Drug users should take at least some responsibility for the risk that may be incurred when using drugs and assesing if those risks outweigh the benifits. For example, many diabetics could easily stop using drugs if they controlled their diets. If people were free to sell their own organs our organ transplant shortage problem would diminish.
Those drug laws are strist enough look at the drug recalld already and tell me you want less regulation. That last sentence is should be self explanitory as to why we don't allow that.
In short, communalism and nanny states have never provided any thing free to anyone and they never will. Slavery and false charity are the hallmarks of such systems and these lead to stagnation and poverty for all.
No they don't and most of us that support state health care know that and still we don't mind it because the capitolist system we have now is a huge joke anyway. It's even more of a joke that you say the current system give you more freedom. It does as long as you have a million or so dollars just laying around to pay for the treatment and drugs. -
Canadian health care professionals were given a free screening of S!cKo in July of this year. I went with one of my colleagues. I was so impressed with the variety of countries that offered "socialized" health care to their residents. Despite the waiting times and the number of people who go to the ER for trivial concerns, I'll never again complain about our health care system in Canada. I know we can do much better - the NHS, imo, is the "gold standard" to which we need to aspire, and the benefits (maternity leave and child care benefits) that are available in France sound like an absolute dream.
I just boggles my mind that the so-called "wealthiest" country in the world treats its most vulnerable citizens as well as its most heroic citizens with such disdain. I was appalled at the 9-11 workers who were suffering health care disasters of their own as a result of doing their duty and jobs to save lives on that dreadful day, were left to languish, without any mechanism in place to receive treatment for their 9-11 related illnesses - not even out of a sense of gratitude for what they did. That they had to make an "illegal" trip to Cuba in order to receive medical treatment seems like such an insult to them by the country that they proudly and willingly served.
Tax the rich! They simply do not pay their share for receiving the greatest benefits. Americans are to blame for their health care problems. They could have National health care tomorrow if they made it a top issue.
Tax the rich! They simply do not pay their share for receiving the greatest benefits. Americans are to blame for their health care problems. They could have National health care tomorrow if they made it a top issue.
We are!
Socialism, Communism, or any form of communalism is never free because it will always cost you your freedom. When you are dependant on others for all of your needs you are controlled by these others who control your needs.
In short, communalism and nanny states have never provided any thing free to anyone and they never will. Slavery and false charity are the hallmarks of such systems and these lead to stagnation and poverty for all.
You're kidding right? How come those of us who actually live in countries with socialised medicine and actually use these services tell a very different story? What freedom is it costing us? Why not do some research and find out the facts.
Michael Moore is a freak and a liar.
Cuba's health care is not good!
That being said: I think Canada's system is pretty good and I don't mind paying higher taxes to keep socialized medicine even though I am a conservative.
Socialism, Communism, or any form of communalism is never free because it will always cost you your freedom. When you are dependant on others for all of your needs you are controlled by these others who control your needs.
Everyone in Canada knows that their tax dollars fund the health care system. We bitch and moan about how much we have to pay, but given the choice of paying a couple of hundred dollars in taxes a month and the prospect of losing our homes and life savings if we lived in the USA (and still paid for medical insurance in the same amount) when faced with a serious illness, I'm happy to shut my mouth and count my blessings.
I'm just as happy that my tax dollars are helping people in poverty to have their health care needs met.
I wouldn't call it "dependency" as much as I would call it "inter-dependency". I've been in dire straights financially and health care would have otherwise been out of my reach. Now that I'm in a better situation financially, I do not begrudge the amount of my tax dollars that fund universal health care, because I know there are some people, who, through no fault of their own, need the boost of "free" health care as much as I once did. Having said that, there's no way I could currently afford to live in the USA, even with a minute risk of a health care emergency.
In short, communalism and nanny states have never provided any thing free to anyone and they never will. Slavery and false charity are the hallmarks of such systems and these lead to stagnation and poverty for all.
Tell that to the Americans who have to decide between saving their kid's life and their life-savings. Why should the receipt of health care be the domain of the privileged and wealthy? The profit-driven health care system in the USA does more to enslave people to the false sense of security they get from medical insurance that looks for every stinking loophole it possibly can to deny care to those who pay insurance premiums. These folks pay hundreds of dollars every month, counting on their health care needs to be looked after in the event of a medical catastrophe. What do you have to say to them, when they feel that they've been defrauded of their hard earned money, when their insurance company says "Nope, we aren't going to cover that treatment" or "Nope, you can't go to that doctor" or "Nope, we aren't going to cover your chemotherapy"?
Yep, saw the film and met MM at the premiere:
As MM brought up in the film and as many people, including myself, have repeatedly mentioned, the folks against "Socialism" (or in their minds Communism -- ooooooo!) are quite content with the "socialized" services they receive nowadays. What if you had to pay for Fire or Police Dept insurance? What if you called 911 and the first thing they asked you was, "What insurance do you have?" The next time you dial 911, think about this and the role socialism plays in our US society. If someone gets bent out of shape over Socialism, I would highly suggest you start weening yourself off of these services in your community. Get a larger garden hose, setup a super secure alarm system in your house, get a gun - do what you need to do to get yourself out of the system. Hmmm, is it any coincidence that our fire trucks are painted Red?
Good questions Brinjen,
The short answer is that most of us have been raised in communalist cultures and brainwashing from childhood makes it difficult for us to clearly see what freedom is and it is hard to see how we are controlled and exploited by the state and how this impoverishes us.
Most of us live under the control of nanny states and are told we should appreciate it. We are told what drugs we can use and when, what our children will be taught in state run schools, what we must wear, what we can read, what pictures or movies we can view, when we must serve the state as soldiers, when-if-how we may drink or make alcohol, told we are not free to sell our sexual services or our own organs, told who we can or cannot sell our property too, who we can hire and fire for our businesses, told how much money we are allowed to make and keep, forced to give to charities we do not approve of through taxation, disallowed weapons for self defence unless we are under the orders of the nanny state and the list goes on and on.
Any time we make others responsible for our needs they will control you. Think of the regulations regarding the qualifications and requirments for recieving any form of government aid. That is why our parents controlled us as children and why we wanted to grow up and move out so we were not dependant upon them anymore and did not have to follow their rules. I don't need the government to tell me when or what I can buy and then use because I am an adult. Why do I need a perscription for antibiotic creams? I am tired of being treated like a child. Can't I decide for myself whether I should sell my kidney or not especially when I am encouraged to give it away by the same government that denies me the right to sell it?
When people are prevented from keeping the rewards of their hard work they quickly learn to work less. If inventions are stolen from the inventor they cease inventing. The entire culture is impoverished by these thefts of freedom.
Westernized countries like Australia are living now off of the huge surpluses created by free market capitalism and these profits support the communalist programs but as these surpluses shrink the nanny states become more and more demanding and this increases the slide into poverty and totalitarianism as individuals become less responsible for themselves.
I have done the research. The facts are clear. History is filled with communalistic cultures exploiting people and forcing them into poverty and technological stagnation.