Anyone watched the film 'Sicko'?

by katiekitten 54 Replies latest jw friends


    My girlfriend is a senior forensic investigator (fancy name for data analyst) dealing with and busting Providers (doctors) for Medi-care fraud.

    That sounds like it would be a fun job!

    Unfortunately she just gets to go thru reams of paperwork looking for discrepencies...she doesn't get to go on the actual busts. They turn those over to FBI, OIG and various other assorted alphabet govt groups. She does love it though and she saves the system/us millions of dollars every year. It's just kinda pathetic though becasue no matter how well her and her group perform they know there are many others defrauding the system and costing all of us a ton 'o bucks.


  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel
    A friend who works in Red China also saw first hand the equality and "free" health care recieved by the farm workers there

    Thanks Liberty, You Rock! Check this Liberty, your friend is right ... http://,,31200-p21983_waghorn,00.html

    Medicare fraud was mentioned, so why make Medicare bigger and easier to defraud? Medicare doesn't work... we need to make it bigger? Huh?

    Frankly, I'm willing to pay $2/aspirin that the hospitals build in to recover from payers the money they loose from people who can't pay.

  • bluesapphire
    Socialism, Communism, or any form of communalism is never free because it will always cost you your freedom. When you are dependant on others for all of your needs you are controlled by these others who control your needs.
    In short, communalism and nanny states have never provided any thing free to anyone and they never will. Slavery and false charity are the hallmarks of such systems and these lead to stagnation and poverty for all.

    You're kidding right? How come those of us who actually live in countries with socialised medicine and actually use these services tell a very different story? What freedom is it costing us? Why not do some research and find out the facts.

    This is the type of paranoia the US wants to perpetuate. Everyone is afraid of the COMMIES!!! I haven't had a chance to read everyone's threads but just wanted to mention a few things like a suggestion to the anti healthcare for all crowd due to the socialist villains: Why don't we get rid of our police force, firefighters, public schools, roads, prisons .... since they are making us very "unfree".

  • Liberty

    For those of you who think I am some sort of "neo-con" schill, please realize I am a libertarian and despise being controlled by the "left's" or the "right's" nanny state plans and hate Fox News and it's Christian Right pandering. Communalism is not just about Marxist-based Communism, communalism is as old as the first tribal shamen who performed magic tricks in order to not do any work and to control other members of the tribe by tauting altruism because the unseen spirits demand it and, of course, only the religious leader and his chosen bullies are smart enough to know how to interpret these messages.

    How can the U.S. perpetuate a paranoia about communalism when we are steeped waist deep in it? Most Americans love communalism. Prohibition was communalism as are, anti-porn laws, the war on drugs, sodomy/ homosexuality laws, anti-birth contol/family planning bans, anti-prostitution, anti-gambling, nudity laws, and all the other religion based moral regulations forced upon the non-religious because it is for the "public good".

    I will try to clarify why communalism destroys freedom. Logically, if I am required to pay for another persons health care I have a right to make certain demands upon them in order to reduce the cost of his "free" care, hence I want to control various behaviours which will increase my costs. Do I want him visiting prostitutes, being a homosexual, or even having too many sex partners of any sex, drinking too much alcohol, using mind altering drugs, rock climbing, bungie jumping, getting tatoos, riding motorcycles without a helmet, driving without a seat belt, smoking cigarettes or using tobacco, staying out past curfue, eating too much fat?...and the list is endless but you get the point.

    It is only natural that when you expect the community to care for you that you will be controlled by that community and you will answer to everyone's concerns. If you pay your own way for most things you answer to fewer people. If I want pets I can't live in a pet-free apartment because I don't want to answer to my landlord who, for good reason, does not want dog and cat damage on his property.

    There is a balance somewhere as to just how responsible to the community I want to be. The problem is that for most of history the individul has been diminished and the community is over emphasized to the point of godhood. Government provided health care diminishes me and makes me more dependant upon the government and subject to more regulation and less choice.

  • Connaughty

    I just watched the movie last night with my family. I was really curious about it since I work for the Health Care system in Canada. When I read some of your comments about how much the US hospitals charge for aspirins are $2.00. That is not completely accurate. I have seen some US hospitals charge as much, or if not greater than $8.00.

    What do you call it when you travel far away from home, and your car breaks down. Then you take it to a mechanic in that location. You then find out that the repair bill costs you well over what you would pay at home. That's kind of highway roberry, isn't it. I have seen what other countries charge in providing patients aspirin. They are not that high.

    Before we start going back on history, and try to understand the best system of ruling, which is really going off topic, look at charts representing the health care systems. I noticed that the US is below Puerto Rico in the movie. That's a problem, isn't it?. I have many US friends, and they would love to have a universal health care system that covers everyone. One that doesn't backrupt individuals. I have a US friend who works for an insurance co. that deals with claims. Their policy is to find a way to deny. That's a problem.

    Have you ever wondered why it hasn't happened in this 21st century?

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