I'm Screwed Up, You're Screwed Up

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Um....if we're all a family, that means all the women I've been flirting with in chat are my sisters!


    Expatbrit, cyber-celibate class

  • bboyneko

    Julie, I bet you can't order a big mac at mcdonalds without punching the poor mcdonalds guy in the face for putting the pickles on the wrong way.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Is that vitriol I detect?

    or simply vinegar?

    oops! so sorry - it was pickle juice!

    - Nathan Natas, "lousy T shirt" class

  • Liberated

    Farkel:---"one cannot be a dub without being screwed up"---

    It hurts to finally face that; the longer I'm out the more I
    can see the number the org did on us.

    Libby, ready for her tatoo

  • teejay

    Hello again, Jules.

    How slimey of you to kick someone as they are just getting back up and you know it. Don't give me any of your "it was rhetorical/tongue-in-cheek" nonsense either.

    Nope, no "tongue in cheek nonsense." As serious as Farkel was, so am I. Why does it bother you that I agree with him? Relax, Julie... my goodness!! Have a glass (bottle?) of wine. Get laid. Go for a walk (the weather's spectacular here in Pakistan, despite the fires and chants of "Death to America!!" echoing in the air). Do something, Girlfriend! You seem to be a little highstrung.

    As I said to your Pal Dannybear earlier...

    Let's get one thing clear... fyi, Danny is no pal of mine. Why would I want to be identified with someone as tolerant, moderate, intelligent, fair, humble not to mention graced with a fair amount of good humor as the likes of him? Get your facts straight.

    save yourself the keystrokes. I've already dealt with this tactic of yours today, of course you never answered.

    actually, I DID answer. You prolly missed it, owing to Simon's new-and-mproved format. Here's the link: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?site=3&id=14411&page=4.

    Keep on showing your true color Teejay...

    Uuhhhh... okay (I guess)... I will. You do the same.

    Have a nice day, k? And reeeeeelaax.
    Don't worry if you're a kleptomaniac... you can always take something for it.

  • Julie

    Hi there Bboy--

    You said:

    Julie, I bet you can't order a big mac at mcdonalds without punching the poor mcdonalds guy in the face for putting the pickles on the wrong way.

    Wrong on all counts oh insightful one.

    I am very generous and gracious with people who make honest mistakes.

    I no longer support the fast food industry after reading all the damage it and the supporting industries have caused. Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, highly recommended.

    I am opposed to violence.

    I am also opposed to snide remarks disguised as "jokes" and statements/baseless assumptions being dismissed/excused as "rhetorical". None of which has anything to do with honest mistakes, as you mention in your pathetic hypothetical.

    Just an FYI,

  • teejay

    I bet you can't order a big mac at mcdonalds without punching the poor mcdonalds guy in the face for putting the pickles on the wrong way.

    To borrow one of tin... er, Julie's oft-used expressions, "LOL!!!"

  • Julie

    Hi Teejay,

    You are right I did miss your reply in the other thread but it just wasn't there last I checked. I am getting a pretty good handle on this new system of Simon's.

    For all your words back to me Teejay there are really only two things I have to say in reply to you.

    First, when I say something less than pleasant to someone I say it because I mean it and I do not back away when called on it. You won't ever see me say something to someone, something less than positive, and then see me later saying "I was just kidding" or "it was rhetorical/tongue in cheek". Ever. If I am making a joke I always make it clear from the start.

    It seems this is a point of difference between us.

    Second and lastly, I see you imitating me, the highest form of flattery they say. Thanks for the compliment.


  • Seeker
    We have a Universe to conquer, you know.

    Over my dead body! My group already conquered it.

  • AGuest

    Peace... to you all!

    A slave of Christ,

    SJ, who will readily admits she USED to be 'screwed up', but that was because she was blindly following those who were even more 'screwed up' than she ever was... or ever could be.

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