Just recommending this video.
"Who Killed the Electric Car?"
by whyamihere 41 Replies latest jw friends
Great Video...actually is Oil companies, Bush and the Gang, and NWO
General motors, eh? General motors also killed public transport, back in the 20's. It's a criminal org, that needs to be taken down, or broken up into little pieces as was standard oil - http://www.lovearth.net/gmdeliberatelydestroyed.htm
S -
They've been showing this program on one of the satellite channels in my area for several months now. I watched it and thought it was a pretty good program. I would like to point out that the electric car is not completely dead because I see one made by Honda on almost a daily basis while traveling to work. I think about that car every time I have to fill up.
Yep seen it too bad. GM of course may redeem themselves partly with a plug in hybrid soon I hope.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but have seen the trailer before. It sucks doesn't it, what big Corp and Politicians can get away with. It makes me sometimes wish that I were as mechanically inclined as smart (as I used to be), because I'd build stuff like this. Any groups of renegade inventors out there?
I should get a horse
I haven't seen the movie yet, but have seen the trailer before. It sucks doesn't it, what big Corp and Politicians can get away with. It makes me sometimes wish that I were as mechanically inclined as smart (as I used to be), because I'd build stuff like this. Any groups of renegade inventors out there?
There are some out trying and the big two and half know it. Telsa and GEM being the ones off the top of my head.
I should get a horse
why jh? you getting ready for the new system lol
Unless you charge them with a "green" power source they still require power from a coal or natural gas plant. The more people that buy them the more electrical demands will be placed on power plants. It takes a massive amount of wattage to recharge an electric car each night.
You may look like a progressive enlightened motorist driving one but you are accomplishing nothing.