I wish they would kill the Hummer. Who and why in the world do they need to be on So Cal's streets. I mean come on, I can see if they are in the mountains but on city streets. Hey, I think I want one because Arnold Schwarzenegger has one. My car has a 12-14 gallon tank and I just filled up $40 what the heck! That used to be $15 something fishy is going on here. Maybe my next car will be an electric car, just because they look cute and run well. Mine is cute, good on gas, but costs a lot to fill up these days.
"Who Killed the Electric Car?"
by whyamihere 41 Replies latest jw friends
The consumers of course!
Electric cars were a tough sell especially with 1990s cheap gas prices. They still are a really tough sell until they can come up with better battery technology. Why do you think GM is working on a plug-in hybrid? Full-electric doesn't provide the flexibility that consumers demand.
Why are the US car companies to blame? Trust me, having worked in the auto industry, I know it is dog-eat-dog. If a car company can come up with ANY angle to give them an edge over their half-dozen big competitors, they'd better jump on it or get beat to the punch. They provide what will sell, plain and simple.
Should we be more pro-active in regulation and incentives for development of alternative technologies? Sure. But was there a big conspiracy to suppress something that could have been the next big thing? Nah.