The police took care of that for me, final straw was when she came over to my house at midnight, and was banging on my door yelling and screaming, when I answered the door she started hitting me and throwing stuff at me. The police came but just right before she took off, they went to her parents house and told her to leave me alone and get some help. (she said she was going to kill herself)
Have You Ever Been Stalked?
by eclipse 119 Replies latest jw friends
I was stalked when I was working as a manager at a Furniture store in Texas.
He was a warehouse person and had to help me (along with others) getting furniture placed on the floor. It started from working together........his remarks to me were sexually harrassing.
I talked to the store owner and he thought I was nuts.
The stalker then started to go by my apt and honk. When I was out in my car, next thing I knew there he was, following me.
I finally threatened sexual harrassment to the owner of the store and to the stalker. I guess he got scared as I did not see him outside of the store anymore and soon he quit his job.
But it was just almost to the point of getting the police involved.
Wordly Andre
wow clam thats like that one movie ..... whats the name of it?
I've read your replies so far, and I really appreciate them
I need to go now for a bit, so I will reply later..
Wordly Andre
Eclipse, if you think you are being stalked, call the local police and ask them to do extra patrol on your block, also set up traps, if you are able to buy snap flares those work great if not just the plain ole fishing string and cans will work fine. Also install motion lights on the outside of your house, another thing you can do is go on ebay and look up fake exterior cameras they have some that have motion sensor blinking lights, very cheap ways to make yourself feel better.
Andre yeah it was like something out of a movie, what with the peeping tom being a cop and all. Weird stuff.
One time I was driving from Florida to Cleveland. I went through Washington DC. On the potomic my wife was videoing the river. Traffic stopped and a man jumped out of a vehicle and ran up to another vehicle with a gun in his hand. He saw my wife vidoeoing the river and he chased my wife and I around Washington DC for an hour. I would pull up to an intersection and he would be coming the opposite way. It took us an hour to loose him.
Why didnt I call the police? I was half way through the Tampa Police Academy and was qualified to carry a gun in Florida. Washington had very strict gun laws in 92. I had my gun in the vehcile with me and was concerned that I would be arrested and taken to jail. But I had my gun loaded in my lap and if he would of shot at me, I would have gone down shooting. But we escaped.
I also me Al Gore on the same trip in Macon Ga. Got videos with him shaking my hand. He was barnstorming at an Old black Baptist Church.
Yup. For weeks she showed up at every dance hall I went to. Looking for me.
I married her a year and a half later.
I have a young college student friend who is being stalked by another girl who recently broke up with her BF.
We think she is stalking becuase of insecurity issues she has but who knows.
My friend is about over it.
It's scary to have your doorbell ringing after 11 P.M., look out the window and see your stalker literally eroding her index finger down to a nub.
AK - Jeff
A little internet hurvy-nervy one time a long time back. Not lately.