Well, as far as the stalking goes, as a young university student, I had the misfortune to briefly date a psycotic fellow who threatened to stalk me if I broke up with him...he really scared me silly! He called me in the middle of the night, saying he was just outside my window, etc.,etc. It still makes me feel sick thinking about it, so I hope that you will get this situation taken care of quickly. (In the end, he just moved on with his life when he realized that I had no feelings for him, and certainly, after the threats he made, I felt nothing but revulsion. I did pray hard and believe that the Lord helped me be free from that situation, even though I had brought the trouble upon myself by getting involved with someone before I knew his character.)
Have You Ever Been Stalked?
by eclipse 119 Replies latest jw friends
BlackSwan of Memphis
Go right ahead, I’ve never lied to anyone here so I have nothing to fear, I’ve also never asked for any sort of monetary help from the posters here. Which is a lot more than you can say about both Erywn and Eclipse.
Can you provide links to the threads where Erwyn OR Eclipse solicited funds for anything? Where the thread Was BEGUN by either of these women for the Specific Purpose of funding a trip?
Here is the link where RESTRANGLED asked people to help (out of the kindness of her heart)
Here is the link where ERYNW revealed she has terminal cancer
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/144264/1.ashx (I read it and didn't see any solicitation for any kind of financial help from her)
So as everyone LOVES to say
The burden proof is on you.
Black Swan,
I started the thread, after talking to Eryn many times over the phone.....she did not want me to do it and I finally talked her into it and she gave me permission.
At the time she was not willing to go through any more treatment for her cancer as she was exhausted and could not face it again. She wanted to make a trip to see Hortensia in Ca. and just quietly let go.
In the mean time she had not told her adoptive parents of the new cancer diagnosis. I encouraged her to tell them. They went beserk and she relented agreeing to treatment to relieve their pain and stress. This treatment needed to be done during the time she would have visited Horensia.
You can check my post history to find it.
In no way did she ever ask me to do such a thing as to ask for money for her trip, .......I talked her into it.
Blame me if you want, but I'm glad she is still here.
lots of insulting, threatening and provoking language here. tisk tisk ladies.
Never been stalked myself. Well unless you count FMZ and he is one of my bestest friends now.
Hey Xena, how is my long lost Wingman FMZ these days?
He is good and starting a new job on Monday. I wish he would post more, but such is life.
How you doin? Did I see some pics of you at a fest recently?
BlackSwan of Memphis
Restrangled.... Hey I'm not blaming you for anything!!!!
My statement was directed TO LOLA for accusing both Clipsey (a kind hearted soul herself) and Ernie (like she's not going through enough) of basically scamming the board and am asking her to show her evidence. I actually was going to post more but decided to let it rest with what you read.
I think what you did was incredibly kind and loving. I remember when I read that thread I thought wow....how cool. If I'm not mistaken it was done in the wake of Trevorgate and I thought it took an immense amount of human kindness to do this.
Black Swan
There is no need to lie, to cover your identity, just don't say who you are or details of your life., Its simple and I have found that someone who lies once generally makes a practice of lies.
someone who lies once generally makes a practice of lies
You see, it's funny but I've found the same thing in my life.
Call it intuition, call it instinct, whatever. But people who are okay with lying about the small stuff, in my experience, also lie about the bigger stuff.