Have you told them how you feel about it? Should I stop driving by your house? ;-)
Have You Ever Been Stalked?
by eclipse 119 Replies latest jw friends
A woman I dated and was living with for awhile, her previous bf stalked the both of us. We would be in bed and he would be outside calling her name. One time he just walked right into her apartment to "talk" when we and her kids were there... She eventually got a restraining order. He eventually broke into my place and stole thousnads and thousands of dollars of stuff. Even after all that, and after we broke up he was still stalking her and broke into her house also. A complete nut case and the one and only person I would completely enjoy terminating in a very slow process.
I am back in Ontario Sunday night. If you want/need a "large" presence visible on your property next week video taping passing cars (heh heh) let me know.
Only by the demonz in my head.
Even if you do know the person they are not acting normally, stalking is not something a stable person does. They've got something stewing in their head, just hope it doesn't come to a boil. Maybe nothing will come of it, but I wouldn't blow it off as completely harmless.
John Doe
Don't they say most rape victims know their attacker?
you passed my house a few times, did you not see me waving?
I will let them know that I know they are following me.
I will let them know that I will call the police should I feel the need to.
You all are the best
Cold Creek Swimmer
I find it odd that after talking to you today, you post this thread. Now I'm a little paranoid. Is this a reverse form of stalking? Are you a preemptive stalker? Are you trying to get me to be a stalker? Don't make me come over there and stare at your home!
Just kidding! I really do hope you follow the excellent advice on this thread. Please be careful and don't hesitate to call the cops if you feel threatened. Keep us posted.
In Vietnam, enroute extraction points several times had, units of North Vietnamese and Viet Cong "stalking" us and it wasn't to take our pictures.
Several years ago there was a guy who would come in every day during my shift and sit for 8 hours and just watch me work. On occaission he would talk to me and say... just off the wall things. They offered to have him permanently evicted, but from things he said I felt like that would only push him into seeking me outside of work. And as there is security, suveillance, and the missouri highway patrol crawling all over the casino at all times I felt better just letting him watch me work and hoping it didn't escalate. But I kept everything documented so that if it ever did exceed the boundaries of my work environment I was ready to take action.
It ended because I took 10 days of vacation one time and he asked one of my co-workers where I was. My wonderful co-worker had the presense of mind to tell him I had moved to California. He has never been to the casino since that day, and I do check his account every 6 months or so just to be sure.
Unfortunately that doesn't seem as though it will be terribly helpful for you since he knows where you live. Please be safe.