I wouldn't be entirely opposed to being stalked by someone cute. Just saying.....
Have You Ever Been Stalked?
by eclipse 119 Replies latest jw friends
I've been told I'm cute unconfused, where do you live?
16 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.
Looking forward to it! -
Wow just up the block from 16 Penn where I made good friends with a former President years ago.
Edit: Look for me, I'll be the one in a blue suit.
You think I’m really afraid that you’ll look through my posts and find inconsistencies? Go right ahead, I’ve never lied to anyone here so I have nothing to fear, I’ve also never asked for any sort of monetary help from the posters here. Which is a lot more than you can say about both Erywn and Eclipse. I’ve got nothing to hide, so please feel free to look thru my posts and dissect them, if you feel I may have misled someone post it for the whole board to see and I’d be more than happy to respond to any questions anyone might have.
So I guess we are clear now aren’t we? I am not the only poster that feels we are being misled. I might be wrong but I highly doubt it, if I am my sincerest apologies, but if I am not and we all find out that we have been lied to I’ll be the first one to say “I told you so”
OK, that's it! I have had it up to here with you!
The gloves are off. You really want to outright accuse me and Eryn, before you have your facts?
Now let me explain it to your disgusting face why you are an idiot.I am not the only one on JWD who has fudged their real status.
I did so because I was hiding from someone who knew me. JUST LIKE MANY HERE.
WHEN that threat was no longer a concern, I felt free to tell the board my REAL stats, and share my REAL LIFE.My only mistake, was not making an announcement to the board about it! I did not think it would matter!
I do not have to explain where I live, or defend my life to you. I deserve to be as anonymous anyone else.
As for ECLIPSE asking for money, YOU FUCKTARD, READ!! -
there is NO where on this board, where I asked, or was asked on my behalf for any funds for any reason.
I did not even know Eryn personally when Restrangled asked for funds on Eryn's behalf.
I sent Eryn $100 by mail. I did not care how she spent it, I wanted her to have it and spend it as she wanted to,
because that is REAL charity without any conditions. I did not care HOW she spent it. I was HAPPY to give it!
DID YOU SEND HER ANY MONEY???? NO! I saw the envelopes, all 6 (yes there were only 6 people).
and I know each of their names, and not one person accusing Eryn of being a scammer is on those envelopes.
and Eryn had written the dollar amount on the envelope so that she knew who gave what amount,
so that she could return the money if she did not go to Cali, since she thought she might not be able to go.
Have any of you accusing her and me, even had the decency to pm either of us? NO! YOU ARE ALL COWARDS.
NO ONE has contacted us about these RIDICULOUS accusations and
NO ONE has had the decency or the intelligence to even GET THEIR FACTS STRAIGHT.
Everyone who sent Eryn money, knows Eryn's situation, and has been contacted.
Let's look at the other accusations, shall we?
Scully alluded to the idea that funds were used elsewhere and that is considered fraudulent.
Because Eryn went to Disney, they(the ones on the scammer thread) feel that she defrauded the people who gave her money.
OF course the ones accusing her, hiding behind their guise of a ''hypothetical situtation'' automatically assume that she spent the money (for Cali) to go to Disney.
GUESS WHAT! That trip to disney was reserved and paid for back in JUNE of 07, Before Eryn even joined JWD.
You need proof of that??????
The condo reservation was dated May1st, 2007. The airline tickets were booked and paid for on June 28th, 2007.
She never needed, nor did she use, the $340 in total given to her by the 6 people, For her Disney trip.
SHE NEVER SPENT IT and offered all of them return of the funds as she intended to do so from the beginning.
If you were all under the impression that Eryn (and I, big fat lol) received thousands of dollars, you are all mistaken, AS USUAL.
YOU, and the rest of your gang made assumptions without any facts, without any proof, based on hearsay and conjecture and rumour.
The lot of you trashing me on the other board, are REPULSIVE excuses for human beings.
Sadly, we all know she will never get it from any of those self-righteous vindictive pitbulls.
In regards to my stalker situation, He has been charged with assault, the details are none of your business & has a restraining order against him.
His court date is Jan.28th, I have the police report, but I do not need to prove anything to any of you.
Whether or not this has anything to do with the Virginia, is none of your concern.
Let this be a lesson for anyone who jumped on the accuser's bandwagon against eryn-
To all who know me, you know how upset and angry I am,
and I hope you know that the above remarks are ONLY towards those involved in accusing Eryn or I of treachery and deceit.
What are the odds that two very good friends would both be stalked within what a month of each other? How much drama can two people have in their lives?
Just because it seems unreal, does not mean that it did not happen. Think about it. Someone obsessed enough, would go to any lengths to hurt a loved one of their target(me) even send men to hurt that loved one - so shut the fuck up.
For those of us behind the curve. If someone else asked for money to help out Eryn why are you being accused of anything?
Not to belabor the point, but isn't a "hypothetical" situation a scenario that is made up for the sake of discussion? I don't see how a "hypothetical scenario" equals facts OR accusations... you seem a bit defensive, and those are a LOT of personal details you revealed, ANOTHER POSTER'S personal details, apparently. Which is against the posting guidelines. (violation of privacy.)
The Oracle
I am not up to speed on any of this, but all I can tell you is that if someone is accusing Eclipse of anything - they are out of line.
I have been reading her posts for a long time, and I can tell she is a great person.
That's all I wanted to say.
Eclipse: I hope you can get all this crap sorted out with the stalker too.
The Oracle
This greater topic, across all its different threads, across many protagonists, and across boards right now, amounts to a discussion about only one thing, honesty.
And honesty is not about revealing everything about yourself to everyone you meet.
Honesty is about being truthful about what you do choose to reveal.
Otherwise how is Trevor, with his non-existant dying Linda scenario, different to Eclipse, with her husband and four kids or never-been-in-serious relationship scenario?
I am not the only one on JWD who has fudged their real status.
I did so because I was hiding from someone who knew me.
We are all here to share thoughts, experiences, humor, support of other people with whom we have this JW thing in common.
But isn't much of that invalidated, turned into nonsense really, when it's based on blatant lies? Not omissions. Not protection of privacy. But straightforward fibs.
Frankly, then it becomes a waste of my time and yours.
There is a series of many very fine lines, a fragile wall of dominoes, between stating an untruth that nobody will ever catch you out on and receiving money because your imaginary wife has just died. It's just a matter of degree.
Good for you Eclipse!
Those complaining are mostly rejects from the JWD Board complaining and gossiping on a another board.
They are mostly limited to very few responses and Topics. They are pissed at Simon, try to make new accounts, pissed at the mods, threaten all kinds of crap.....yawn.......get a life the lot of you. If you have enough time to be reading here and then posting crap on another board.....sad.
They're all upset about Eryn and Eclipse but didn't donate, and yet have been all upset about the circus freak Richie Rich?......threatening all kinds of silly crap.
Now lets see what gossip thread will be started next on the reject forum!