I'm with blueviceroy - his two posts, 533 and 543 are brilliant.
What's the big deal with Jesus' "sacrifice"?
by bluesapphire 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
To Destructo-Girl: You said:
I'm an atheist, but not a very good one yet (so is atheist the right word?) cos theres this teeny tiny nagging doubt right down deep in the darkest corner of my subconscious.
I finally figured out this year that "atheist" best defines my position, after being "agnostic" for about 6 years - beginning about a year after I parted ways with the JW's.
I think a "strong" atheist is one who asserts that there CAN be no god, and/or that such a belief would be foolish. Most atheists are not "strong" like that, I am not. Atheists assert there is no solid proof for or against a god. (One could also say the same about Santa Claus and the great pink unicorn.)
Rather, like yourself, I carefully considered what was said about God in Western culture (the only one I really know), I couldn't consider all gods man has ever invented. Then I weighed the evidence and found it lacking, for myself. Atheism simply means a lack of belief, it doesn't assert a belief in anything else. Some say atheism makes a god of science, but that is not true. However, the freethinker or atheist respects what science has discovered and incorporates it into his/her thought process.
Others say atheists hate God. They don't. How can you HATE something you're not even believing in? Atheism is not an "ism", theism is the "ism". Atheism means being free of that particular "ism".
O.K. I am a Christian but that was hillarious! btw is it me, or was that Jesus really hot??? Thanks for the laugh. Lilly
so much good philosophy here I just needed it in my history
Here is my real "take" on the ransom.
I don't fully understand all the details of it. At one time I thought I did but I can honestly now say I do not. However, I understand that many things written in the Bible, even if all the little details are not easy to understand, are written in there to teach us a vital truth or lesson.
For me, the truth or lesson of the ransom is this; The greatest love anyone can have for another is that they are willing to lay down their lives so that others can live. Think about it.....What greater possession do we have than our own life?
By giving up his life for us, Christ gave us an example to follow of showing perfect love for others. If everyone in this world possessed the type of love Jesus had towards us, we would have no wars or strife in this world. A sentiment that was shared by Ghandi.
Some have asked what is the big deal of the sacrifice for others also died in the past who were not sinners? While that is true, it is important to also note that Christ not only died for us unjustly, he died for us WILLINGLY. How many of us would do that for someone else? Peace, Lilly
John 15:13
Greaterlove has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends -
Aaargh reading this thread has made me cry.
I'm an atheist, but not a very good one yet (so is atheist the right word?) cos theres this teeny tiny nagging doubt right down deep in the darkest corner of my subconscious.BlueSapphire, what you're saying is just like what I'm thinking and I'm rofl at that pic from What-A-Coincidence, I totally agree and I don't believe in this stuff anymore. But then there's this little voice (well not a real voice, I'm not that crazy yet) that's saying HOW DARE YOU! Jesus died for you, Jesus suffered for you and you laugh at the ridiculousness of it.
What RSMHobbit said. It's like a knife in my brain. I used to cry at the thought of Jesus suffering.
I used to cry at that too! I cried when I saw the "Passion" movie. But you know what? I cry at a lot of movies - fiction or non-fiction! And the ones that are the worst are the ones that are based on true life stories.
Have you seen the movie, "The Road to Guantanamo"? Now those guys were tortured too. They were innocent too. And it really happened! Now that's something to really cry about. Cry and get angry about!
Here we are in the 21st century and people are wasting their lives away crying over a sacrifice that supposedly happened 2000 years ago of an innocent man. But that's all it was. If the man, Jesus, actually lived, I'm sure he'd be surprised to learn that 2000 years later there are over 35,000 sects in his name, all claiming to know the absolute truth about him!
It's hard to let go of the things you hold dear to your heart. This stuff has permeated our culture. And my position is very unpopular. I don't dare voice my true beliefs at work in an elementary school! That would be professional suicide.
And just so you know, I cried too. I cried lots and lots. I got it all out and now I'm free.
how many similar stories of gods crucified and risen from the dead, etc., born of a virgin mom, blah, blah, blah..
Predate those of Jesus? Any Xtians want to answer that one?
Im not sure if this is what you mean, Mithra and all that, but take a look here:
Hi again Bernschlautzen!
We have a mixture of believers and non-believers on this board. The non-believers ask some very tough questions like this one.
Sometimes people on one side of the question get a little upset with those on the other side. In the end though, we're all happy to be away from the influence of the Watchtower, and to each find our course in life, wherever it may take us.
"Evil Jewish celebrations? Evil Jewish laws? Doctrine of demons?"
Cripes man, I don't even believe in the bible as a holy book but even I know that's way outta line. The god of the OT set out those celebrations in mind-numbingly intricate detail (ever bother reading Leviticus?), and Jesus himself celebrated them.
You've got some widening of the mind to do.