I am sorry to hear that your experience was so severe. Have you thought of getting therapy to try to get over this? I was not abused as a child growing up in the religion, so I don't know how I would deal with this later. Although the religion may have contributed to your abuse, I would think that your parents may have been abusive anyway. I know this was true in my wife's case. Her mother was an abusive woman before and after becoming a Witness. (My wife was 12 when her parents converted. I was born in it and my mother was a very loving person.)
ISP, I think your basic words would sum up the fancy talk of psychotheripists, "crying over spilt milk is upproductive." I think this is very true, no matter how much milk was spilt. At some point, we have to forget with the traumas of the past, learn what we can from the past, and get on with it.
Proplog, I think you brought up something very important that you are doing, that is, making life better for yourself and your children. My wife did that. She became a warm, loving mother, the complete opposite of her own mother. Thank you for your observations. I think they are very useful to read.