I don't think anyone argues a first cause other than some people which hold to the solid state universe.
The first cause would indeed qualify as God in the sense of causing all to be .The main bone of contention would be the storys that get told and the way theses storys become law .
I don't like storys being the basis for a whole civilization like we have now . Basing the matters of policy and ethics on a spiritual belief is a backwards and primitive way to conduct life.
I"m afraid I'm not sold on any of the storys told about God other than the one about "Only an individuals experience with the divine can determine the veracity of the divine to the individual"
A presence can be sensed with proper effort and desire , but this presence has nothing to do with any story I have ever read .
Is it real or imagined? Is it God or just two halves of a brain opening up to the subconsious? Hmmm in all honesty it's hard to descibe the experience of just being what we are as we are.
That is up to the individual to decide, and I don't care for people who like to determine what that experience is for me, whatever agenda they push ,it's a part of what we are and we should be free to experience our birthright free of labels and dogma.