Opinion peice on Athiests

by SickofLies 203 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    I see your point Caedes.



  • myelaine

    dear HS...

    "Would one of the more logically inclined theists explain whether they accept the existence of the God's which I mention above, and if not, why not?"...

    Baruch 6:66...They show the nations no signs in the heavens, nor are they brilliant like the sun, nor shining like the moon.

    plus...The beasts which can help themselves by fleeing to shelter are better than they are. Thus in no way is it clear to us that they are gods; so do not fear them.

    love michelle

  • SickofLies

    Baruch 6:66...They show the nations no signs in the heavens, nor are they brilliant like the sun, nor shining like the moon.

    plus...The beasts which can help themselves by fleeing to shelter are better than they are. Thus in no way is it clear to us that they are gods; so do not fear them .

    love michelle

    Has any 'god' shown any signs to the nations that has been recorded in history? (BTW, the bible is NOT considered accurate history).

    Actually the more I read the two sentences above the less I understand them, but regardless, if you are saying that you only believe in gods that can prove their existance than please share that proof with us.

  • myelaine

    dear SickofLies...

    For our purposes lets just say that I'm not buying what you have but I have something to sell...or give away actually...

    Revelation 13:17...

    seller: and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    buyer: and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Rev. 13:18...Here is wisdom, Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; His number is 666.

    love michelle

    p.s. please keep in mind that "historically" the number 666 denotes antichrist/imperfection and the number 777 denotes christ/perfection and God is calling all to be "christmen"....ok?

  • serotonin_wraith
    please keep in mind that "historically" the number 666 denotes antichrist/imperfection and the number 777 denotes christ/perfection

    Uhh, because it's written in the Bible? Let's just stop the circular logic there.

  • myelaine

    dear serotonin_wraith...

    all I have to say to your comment is, greater minds than ours came up with Biblical Numerics...

    love michelle

  • serotonin_wraith

    Dear myelaine,

    You are welcome to say that, but it's a statement backed up with no proof.

    Another example- Adam and Eve.

    'Historically' it's the Christian view of the first man and woman. It's found in the Bible. It denotes the first humans.

    Does that prove the Bible is true, or that people know Adam and Eve are characters in the book? The latter.

  • myelaine

    dear serotonin_wraith...

    "You are welcome to say that, but it's a statement backed up with no proof."...

    ...not sure what you mean...biblical numerics and gematria was a science back in the day...have a peek on the internet!

    love michelle

  • serotonin_wraith


    If you're saying the numbers were from God... proof please.

    If you're saying they came from humans... no argument from me. But could you explain what's so impressive about sticking three 6's together?

  • myelaine

    dear serotonin_wraith...

    "But could you explain what's so impressive about sticking three 6's together?"...

    ...nope... not very well... 6 = weakness of man; manifestation of sin ; evils of Satan... 3 of them together seems awfully corrupt tho...

    love michelle

    p.s. 66 = idol worship...maybe 6 + 66 = the weakness of man, etc. promotes idol worship...and not the worship of God in spirit and truth.

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