My dad was looking and the Official WatchTower website and he said it has such a truthfull and genine look about it and how i should'nt read the forums because people's opinions on there are misguided and they dont know what their talking about. has anyone said anything similar to you?
Watchtower website
by cooler 26 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Cooler, welcome to our discussion forum!
My Dad hasn't talked to me about the website exactly, but he has often said to me (since I left several years ago) that the end is near, the organization is growing, and what it says is true. And he tells me I cannot trust what "apostates" are saying about the organization.
I find that of all the things he told me, the only one that is somewhat true is "the organization is growing". But it isn't growing much or at all in places where the Internet is used and the past history of the WT Society is exposed.
I hope you read a lot about the organization and the experiences of those of us who tried to be good Witnesses but were still tossed aside. It'll give you a good balance with what your dad is saying.
I hope you use your own brain to make decisions and use this questioning aspect of yourself to educate and find peace.
Welcome to the forum , don't be put off by the points of view you will find here , we are all just looking for an answer that works for us.
The answer is a very personal thing and it doesn't always make us feel good but it does answer the questions.
And again welcome to the forum.
Best regards Bluevceroy.
My opinion is that you are smart to be here and should read not only this site extensively, but any other thing to help your mind grow. Isn't that contrary to what we have always been taught in Watchtower literature? Form your own opinion, but form it based on information not totally controlled by wishes.....oompa
and by the way.....lots of JW literature and videos are hardly professional looking......comical comes to mind
Welcome to the forum, cooler...
What is there to say about this forum?
Well, why don't you stick around for a while.
And this way, you will soon be able to form your own opinion.
Good luck to you...
AK - Jeff
Welcome cooler.
I always believed that all the Watchtower literature had that 'truthful and genuine' look and feel to it. It was part of the mystique that attracted and kept me in the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses for 40 years.
I hope you find this forum interesting. It may challenge what you believe, but will make you think about it in ways that you likely never did before. I find that refreshing now. Hope you do too.
Thanks for your replies. the fluffed up literature hasnt fooled me although it has my dad unfortunatly. the problem is with religions/cults its like being down a deep hole and the longer the person is down the deep hole the harder it is to get out of it.
the problem is with religions/cults its like being down a deep hole and the longer the person is down the deep hole the harder it is to get out
This is so true. Even if they don't believe it all, they're stuck in it. My parents have believed "the end is near" for over 50 years each. They will go to their graves believing the end is still near.
Fear is not a good thing to base life on, but it's the most powerful tool the WT Society has going for it (as well as many other organized religions).
Welcome to the real World!
My 93 yr old father has been told for most of his life he would never grow old and die.
It is so sad to see him sitting at the dining room table every week cutting & pasting the changes to his Revelation book for the study. He sees nothing wrong with that concept.
I do not believe it has ever occurred to him or my mom that the WTS is not the truth. I have shown my mom some things on the Internet and how to do google searches hoping it would make her think when she hears the WTS talking about how bad it is.