The W/T media reply can be found here:
Barbara Anderson is on NBC Nightly News Tonight 11/21/07
by AndersonsInfo 177 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Barbara Anderson should be our next president of the United States . I think she would find Bin Laden ! Thanks Barbara for the excellent coverage of this horrendous coverup so that on a national scale here in America people can see what really has been going on in the Watchtower society the last few years regarding child molestation coverups. It just aired across the west coast and although a short segment , it was very powerfully put across I feel. The Watchtower society looked very lame in it's futile attempts to declare they try to protect children from abuser's . The evidence clearly presented shows otherwise. Thank you Barbara for your tireless efforts on behalf of the many victims of molestation, and hopefully this will really start the ball rolling for Jehovah's Witnesses themselves to be aware of what is going on inside their organization ! Peace out to you, and deep thanks again, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper
That's the direct link, and you can download the video and view it in any FLV flash player.
tomorrow while i have the time, i'll make the clip available in a hq downloadable format.
i'll provide this to someone who can host it or upload it someplace besides my own server.
i dont have the bandwidth for that.
but at least you can have a crack at an high quality video from my dvr.
probibl be mpg format or something.
if you can host the file, pm me.
if you just want the file, dont pm me.
only someone who can host and let others get it from there.
Does anyone know how this is playing on some of the pro-JW sites?
I hope that any JW victim that is currently, or recently has been molested, saw this broadcast. They will see they are not alone and maybe this piece will convince them to go to the police rather than the elders.
Good Job Barbara!
choosing life
What a shock! I just watched the news and didn't know it was going to be on there. It was very well done. The WBTS looked like it was running by not making someone available to comment in person. The only thing not brought out was the two witness rule, but I am sure more coverage will follow.
Thanks goes to Barbara for standing up for the victims rather than looking the other way, like the WBTS.
A JW friend of Clyde's called this evening saying that he saw this on TV. We hadn't heard about it at the time.
Homerovah the Almighty
The Truth of the matter is that most elders that have to deal with this problem will not take the situation out of the hall, especially if the witness is repentant and admits to what he had done.
In the past there has always been a public relations policy with the general public " We are God's only true earthly organization unlike Satan's Christendom "
and God's organization is clean and righteous
It has been one of their marketing schemes for decades,
Well until these recent law suits happened that is, now HQ has brought out a new policy
of course what they say and what will actually indeed happen at the KHS is usually is something different.
One obvious problem with not letting the authorities look into the situation, is if the individual is repetitive on his actions and is DF which would be common
the person could move to another area without having a watchful eye put in place.
Particularly so if the individual wasn't to return to another KH
I rather have the legal system deal with pedophiles and be treated in a proper way for this disorder rather than some elders at a KH.
Go Barbara