Barbara Anderson is on NBC Nightly News Tonight 11/21/07

by AndersonsInfo 177 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • wednesday

    Barbara thank you so much , I can't think of words to say how I and so many others feel tonight.

    They are running scared, got a call from a frantic person today.

    Let them sweat, twist in the wind

    They have silenced so many, but not you.

  • jelcat8224

    Thank you barbara!

    This was a great piece ... it was just too short! I hope there is some follow up on this. We all know how bad the short term memory is of JW's.

    I will be calling my family in the morning to ask if they watched the story tonight! I hope they did!


  • skeeter1


    You did wonderful! You are the belle of the ball!


  • SirNose586

    BAM! Right in the kisser of the Tower. Marvelous work, Andersons!

  • Gregor

    The news coverage of something as negative as this is always welcome. As I have related here before, we went through a classic case of Org. cover up when our 12 yr old was targeted by the local 'super' Elder's 20 yr old nephew. When I went to the police I was the bad guy in the congregation. I got the evil eye from Uncle Elder from then on.

    On another note, I have yet to understand why this pending news report heads up was bungled so badly. This is exactly the kind of nonsense that makes more than a few of us feel manipulated by our fellow posters. Someone please tell us why this was considered so goddamn confidential that we were teased about it for three days. Makes us feel like JW's again and makes the leakers look like someone with their heads up their self important asses.

  • wednesday

    several of us knew for some time about this. I guess it was kept secret so the lurker jws would not get a heads up on this. did they see it coming- hope not.

  • candidlynuts

    i saw the local channel 4 interview. in it Barbara was able to speak longer and it was a very good interview.

    here is the website.. videos of stories look like they'll be available later in the night or tommorow morning.

  • Gregor

    I guess it was kept secret so the lurker jws would not get a heads up on this.

    What in the world does that mean? "Heads up" meaning what? Like they could stop the broadcast? This whole thing is a silly cock up like the Dec. '05 "BIG BIG NEWS". The fumbled, stupid, build-up overshadowed the actual news item itself. We need to put our passionate feelings about the WTS in some kind of perspective so we quit looking like a bunch of attention starved assholes. The real benefit of this pedophile exposure is that it will put a chill on the cover up culture within the organization but it is not going to bring down the WTS or even cause any significant number to leave. Our plodding along on sites like this, with our personal experiences, shining the light on the WTS waffeling and doctrinal acrobatics is doing more good than 10 stories on the nightly news.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Barbara,

    You truely are a hero for all those whos voices and cries have gone unheard! Hopefully this news story will help even more victims be brave enough to come forward and help expose this horrible crime that is being covered up! I know we have no idea the countless hours you and your husband have invested in exposing the Witnesses, but our hats go off to you both!!!

    Thank you!!!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Gayle

    Barbara, you are a scholar with professionalism and zest for truth! Thank you so very much for all your work!


    For Immediate Release
    November 21, 2007

    Jehovah’s Witnesses care for victims of child abuse

    For the sake of the victims in these cases, we are pleased that a settlement has been reached. Our hearts go out to all those who suffer as a result of child abuse. Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide are united in their abhorrence of this sin and crime.—Romans 12:9.

    We do not condone or protect child molesters. Our elders expel unrepentant sinners who commit this crime. (1 Corinthians 5:13) In the United States, over 80,000 elders currently serve in over 12,300 congregations. (Acts 20:28) During the last 100 years, only eleven elders have been sued for child abuse in thirteen lawsuits filed in the United States. In seven of these lawsuits against the elders, accusations against the Watchtower Society itself were dismissed by the courts. Of course, one victim is one victim too many. However, the incidence of this crime among Jehovah’s Witnesses is rare.

    Congregation elders comply with child abuse reporting laws. (Mark 12:17; Romans 13:1) We do not silence victims. Our members have an absolute right to report this horrible crime to the authorities. The October 2007 issue of our monthly journal Awake! features the cover series, “Keep Your Children Safe!” These articles clearly show our concern for protecting children from sexual abuse.


    Here, this release by the WTS was only released today, not because of concern in protecting the children..only because it was on national tv news today. What liars that they "are pleased that the settlement" was reached. Only because of court action did they do such a thing for the victims. They claim here only 11 elders have been sued (at least 'caught' so far) ..They silenced the victims with a 'gag' order. They say the elders 'expel unrepentant' molesters, but I guess not if the molesters just say they are sorry. The GB really still downplay their responsibility in this, so sickening. The October 2007 only speak of parents protecting their children, but no discussion of what the organization will do, support or suggest to parents should a molester violate a child in the organization.

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