Sounds good to me Hubert, I'll keep bumping it up till the paradise comes , so we have a long wait. Also until the last of the annointed die- an even longer wait ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Barbara Anderson is on NBC Nightly News Tonight 11/21/07
by AndersonsInfo 177 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
mind my own
Well done Barbara, hopefully it sinks into the minds of those who need it - all JW's!!
Thank you very, very much, Barbara!
Thank you Barbara!
Great work, Barbara, and thank you for making this happen. It is an invaluable step toward the eventual demise of of the WTS.
Now, fact is, conservatively 5% of the general population are child molesters or have the potential to be child molesters, given circumstance and opportunity. This is fact. Also fact, is that that statistic clearly (now) includes Jehovah's Witnesses. As a group, they are no more likely to be outside of this cross-section statistic than any other finite group. Human nature and the tendency of pedos to gravitate to positions of trust make this a no-brainer. The assertion that it is "rare" is totally unsupported. So, out of 6 million JWs, there are 300,000 who are, or have the potential of being, child molesters. And, the nature of the JW "environment" (read, 'stunning ignorance') lends itself to potential pedophiles being able to realize their desires without too much interference from those charged with keeping the congregation "clean."
The Oracle
Yes Bizzybee - you are right.
The JWs are basically a small segment of society that contain every type of person out there.
The big problem is that the environment encourages a safer haven for child molestors than most other organizations, given the 2 witness rule and the obvious desire of elder bodies and branches around the world to go to great lengths to prevent any reproach on Jehovah's name (translation - any reproach on the WTBS).. This has lead to a lot of cover-ups and tremendous lack of follow through, and naturally attracts more sexual predators in to the fold, or at least allows them to operate more freely without repurcussion.
For this reason I would say that the percentage of child molestors may be slightly higher than normal in JW land. The reason I say slightly, and not significantly, is because the calculation is offset slightly by the disfellowshipping process when pedophiles are indeed caught and dealth with (disfellowshipped). This helps to lower the numbers, but not enough to offset the attraction that pedopholes feel to join the organization since it is such a great breeding ground for their evil craft.
The Oracle
Good job, Barb!!!!!!!!!!
You've said what i can't.
kimberlee d.