When you used to go in the field service, did you go out to have 2 more hours on your report, or did you really want to save somebody's life by preaching a message of salvation ?
When YOU went out in the field service.....
by JH 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When you used to go in the field service, did you go out to have 2 more hours on your report, or did you really want to save somebody's life by preaching a message of salvation ?
I would pray no one was at home it was merely to get my required time in a month to keep the elders off my back. Afterwards I would count the days and hours till the next weekend dreading every moment till it came...
I went out to get people off my back, I always prayed though, that people weren't home! Let's just say, I would go to the service arrangement with likeminded individuals, say we were doing "return visits" knock on a few doors where it looked like no one was home and then off for a really long coffee break, haha, of course this was once I was an adult and on my own. Service at home with the family was a 2 to 3 hour ordeal every saturday and some sundays. Oh joy, oh bliss, I miss it so. Not.
Just the hours...
Even when i was a pioneer it was always about the hours.
I used to listen at the door before knocking and if i heard someone inside i'd either try and get my partner to do it or knock lightly.
I also did it for the HOURS, because I knew I had to produce sufficient hours to please the elders.
If there wouldn't have been any hours to report, I would have probably went out less often, but would have been more productive.
I compare this to saying a 10 second prayer before eating to look good in front of other witnesses, compared to praying alone when something really troubles you and praying for a long period of time.
did you go out to have 2 more hours on your report, or did you really want to save somebody's life by preaching a message of salvation ?
I think this is an interesting question. For me, it depended on what stage of my life I was at.
As a child...I went because my parents said I had to...and dreaded the thought of a teacher or fellow student seeing me...and a student tormenting me on Monday morning...
As a young adult...I did it because it was expected of me...so I got baptized at 16 (almost 17).....but I was getting brainwashed into setting "theocratic goals".
As a pioneer the first time....it really was about trying to find someone who we could help..
As time went on...both as a pioneer, elder, and then as a publisher... the cynicism and the futility was setting in....and it became about getting the hours.....
At the end....it was all phantom time...from January - August 2007.
NOW.....Freedom is a beautiful thing....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Snakes ()
Just to have 2 hours? Even 1 hour was enough for me! I hated the field Circus with a passion. I just went to keep the Service Overbear(ing) off my case.
As I stated in my profile.... I don't think I ever really bought into it all, even from the beginning. So, I would have to say I was just doing what was expected of me.
I did enjoy talking with the Elderly in the area tho... I would leave their homes wishing I felt as spiritually refreshed as they seemed to with their personal religion.
My JW Hubby was a different story tho... he adored FS.... can't imagine...
If there wouldn't have been any hours to report, I would have probably went out less often
If there wouldn't have been any hours to report, I would have NEVER gone out. I hated "field service" with a passion. I even hate the term "field service". I always felt service was futile. I knew how many countless hours people put in service in our territory week after week, year after year, and for what? Maybe one new person every year or two. Maybe. What a waste. Field service is a 'snare and a racket'.