When YOU went out in the field service.....

by JH 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prophecor

    Counting time was never any concern of mines. So much so that I can never really remember the clock thingy even being an issue. We were on a mission to save the world Counting the hours was the last thing on my mind. I remember relating to the one brother who believed as hard as I did, if not a hair more, how we were in a race to get these folks the truth and nothing can get in our way to stop the flowment of truth to the folks. He was an elder, and the only one I ever really took a liking to. The only person who really taught me something, not just preached at me.

    If you're reading this Randall, you know who you are.

  • wanderlustguy

    I went to try to be good enough so people thought I was ok.

  • JK666

    When i was young, I really believed that it was The Truth, and took field service seriously. I bought in hook, line and sinker that it was a lifesaving work.

    This is one of my biggest regrets, is two studies that I had are still in, One is an elder, the other one is working on it. I feel responsible for getting them into that cult. Now I am out, and can't help them because I am DF'ed and shunned.

    I wish I were half-assed about the ministry back then.


  • onacruse


    This is one of my biggest regrets, is two studies that I had are still in, One is an elder, the other one is working on it. I feel responsible for getting them into that cult. Now I am out, and can't help them because I am DF'ed and shunned.

    I wish I were half-assed about the ministry back then.

    Again, as with my response to oompa, I beg to differ.

    I can't count the number of people I "helped" to become, or stay, JWs. But that was what I was at the time, with the best understanding I had at the time. Was I a fool? Yes! But was I an honest fool? Yes.

    imvho, beating ourselves up for what we did that we thought was right is useless, and self-defeating.

    Our compensation to our fellow human beings is best served by being honest about what we did, and why we did it...and then know that each person we impacted must live with the consequences of their own decisions.

  • wanderlustguy

    I got my brother in it. Live with that for a while.

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