When YOU went out in the field service.....

by JH 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I loved field service. I loved people. I thought I was saving lives. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have done it.

    tall penguin

  • bigwilly

    I mostly went because I didn't know any different. I was born in, so service was just part of my life. Toward the end I was definitely just serving my time, not really stoked at all.

  • katiekitten

    I hated field service, I really struggled with it, so naturally I pioneered!

    I couldnt have done it if I didnt think I was saving lives, but it was mainly about chasing hours, and I used to hate it if someone offered me a car ride to a RV, because it meant robbing me of an hours time (I used to walk or bus everywhere because I didnt have a car), and another hour on cold calling was much harder than an hour walking between RV's.

    It gave me a very low self worth and I had this mental image of myself as a dirty dish cloth being dragged round the streets (dunno where that came from but its how I felt).

  • Balsam

    I know that it had not been required I would have never done it voluntarily. They made it feel to us that god required it of us. The funny thing it was such a flimsy thing considering how few scriptures even mention going out to preach house to house. I bought it hook line and sinker and did try to enjoy it as much as possible. The breaks and conversation was more interesting than anything else. I did meet some wonderful people willing to really talk to JW and get is to reasoning and thinking.

    It was required and we did it otherwise we wouldn't have. Very few would have done it without feeling it was necessary. 30 years of preaching door to door and never had a single study that resulted in baptism except within the family.


  • R.F.

    When my dad used to take me in field service as a child and when I first became a publisher, I absolutely hated it, with it being all about the hours. After I was baptized I began to see it more as saving people's lives, making me actually love it. That in turn led me to become a full-time magazine salesman regular pioneer on up until I walked away from it all.


  • Jringe01

    When I first started I was quite shy so I wanted to practice my skills so I could do a good job. I wanted to be good at what I did. I belived it and wanted to translate what i was thinking and what I knew into a viable presentation. I am good at public speaking but could never quite master this.

    If your day started off right with a good presentation and they accepted then it was like a rush...a drug like effect making me want more <sigh> then it wore off. Most days were dreary but some were really good like when you clicked with someone and they agreed with everything you were saying and I'd walk away hoping it would be a study when deep down I knew it never would be and sure enough I was right.

    As time went on and I switched congregations (for work) getting involved in the local politics it really dampened my "zeal".

    In my last days with the JW I finally scored a study...me...on the way out and I land a study. Now that's irony.

  • Trevanian

    I was fortunate that growing up I was exposed to field service but not required to do it. "Liberal" JW family, I realise now. Back in the days we were probably considered a "weak" family LOL!

    But stupidly at the age of about 17 I started doing it voluntarily. It was purely SOCIAL. We'd have fun working apartment blocks as a group of teens, and then go for coffee afterwards. Friendships were formed. Relationships began.

    In my 20s it became about the hours, although the social side of it was still very strong.

    Coming from a "privileged" background, for me the most interesting thing in putting in those hours was getting to see extremely poor areas, meeting and conversing with people entirely different to me, people I never would have met in everyday life.

  • NewYork44M

    There were a few times when I enjoyed service. However, 99% of the time I was just "puttin in time."

    Then I discovered you did not even have to put in time and still have a reasonably respectable time card.

  • NewYork44M

    When the Truth book came out, I was all about production. I could sell a boat load of those 25 cent books. I never did any return visits, but I still had fun selling (ur..placing) those blue books.

  • ninja

    sometimes I had a right good laugh.....one time I was working with a guy.....he couldn't read before coming into the "truth"......and we went to a door and asked me how to pronounce the name on the door....if it said "hughes".....i told him it said huggies......"hi mr huggies we're just in the area talking to your neighbours"....then when we left the door I told him how to pronounce it.......ah ..they were the days...nostalgic ninja

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