1. What was it like when you "awakend?" 2. How did you know, and......

by oompa 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    2.5 how did you react at that time?

    3.how long was it before you somehow took action on this event?

    4. Was there a particular thing that all of a sudden caused you to wake up, or did doubts build over the years?

    5.What finally did it for you?

    6. How long before you in some way were no more part of your congregation?

    Maybe we could require these questions answered before you can post here, like a enrollment form. That non-serious thought just popped in my head as I put the numbers in front of the questions. I'm sure I am not the only one here who wonders how the hell I could have stayed in nearly my entire life! And I wonder what the process was for many of you.........share if you can......thanks.....oompa

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I had many doubts growing over many years. It's sort of like drifting between those half awake and half asleep states, you are not really sure if you are awake or still dreaming. But when I finally "awakened" they all came together in one big jolt and suddenly you sit up, totally alert, wide awake, and realize you have just been having the most bizarre dream! Your heart is racing with adrenaline and the terror is still very real even though you realize rationally that none of it was real. It takes a while to recover from the bad dream. You could walk around a little shaky for the rest of the morning as you try to put the nightmare behind you and go about your day (put your life back together)

    How do you know you are "awake" now and not still dreaming? Well, I guess it's like being of the annointed. You just "know".


  • llbh

    1 Liberating

    2 Relief

    3 Pretty much straight away, though I planned a gradual fade, for family reasons.

    4 & 5 Had doubts for long time, however when the elders were stupid & unkind to us about our (then ) very young children, having lost one parent and then on the process of losing the second, i thought I am off, and planned my exit.

    6 Not sure, do not care really After 4 & 5 i just new i had to go.


  • flipper

    HEY oompa my friend, glad to help with your survey ! I was raised in the witnesses from birth too , so I understand some of your agony !

    1. What was it like when you awakened ?

    It was like what the Japanese call " Satori " or " awakening " or awareness that these elders dealing with my situation were not carrying out their duties towards me in a proper way . I became aware that they were giving personal opinions as counsel , not following the Bible or the societies publications , and I knew nothing they said had any validation any more .

    2. How did you know ?

    I just knew it was a gut feeling of being used and taken advantage of . And that I had to act on what I knew or had found out.

    2.5 How did you react at that time ? I was angry with the elders and told them I was offended they were imputing wrong motives to me for what had happened . I wanted to climb across the table and choke the living $hit out of one of the elders questioning me.

    3. How long was it before you somehow took action on this event ?

    I went immediately to my seat after meeting with the elders in the back room before the meeting and picked up my books and walked out of the kingdom hall, never going back to another meeting.

    4. Was there a particular thing that all of a sudden caused you to wake up , or did doubts build over the years ?

    I had always had some lingering doubts , especially about what motivates elders to serve , but I woke up immediately when I saw the elders were trying to set me up for failure with false, lying information , and trying to stick it to me with it. Like a light turned on. Boom.

    5. What Finally did it for you ?

    Well, the nail in the coffin to leave was the mistreatment by the elders. But what was really the nail that sealed the coffin shut ( and Oompa with your picture avatar you understand coffin talk ) was what i continued learning after I left the meetings that sealed the deal for me that I could never go back. The child abuse scandals in particular were huge issues to me seeing the society allowing innocent children to be abused over and over because of their ineptitude and idiot rules. And letting abusers get away with it, then appointing them as elders or servants again after time passed. Too much for me to take. I knew they were not God's organization then, for sure. The last straw .

    6. How long before you were no part of the congregation ?

    As soon as I walked out the door at that one meeting, I never went in service again, meetings , or anything. Went to the memorial for a few years, then quit totally .

    Hope this helps you bro. You know I care, if you want more information I'd be happy to share. You know my number

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    1. Shocked, angry mainly,anxious but in a way relieved at finally knowing the truth

    2. My discoveries on the internet opened my eyes and in my gut I knew I was finally seeing the truth

    2.5 Threw all my 'literature' in the bin and told my friends I wouldn't be going back

    3. 3 days

    4. Never had any doubts it was the 'truth' but struggled with certain issues - the cruelty of disfellowshipping/
    birthdays etc. Discussion with hubby/research on the internet on Jesus being the mediator to the 144,000 only
    started the ball rolling

    5. Lack of love in the congregation, friends of 36 years cutting me off in a heartbeat, actions of the elders in response to
    our decision all confirmed I was doing the right thing. Being lied to by the Org, I had totally lost my trust and faith
    in it and didn't want to struggle anymore if it wasn't the truth. I didn't want to bring my children up to be isolated
    as I had been and now I had the best reason to leave - it was dangerous to stay (to my mental health and growth as an
    individual and especially for my children). The sweet smell of freedom was beckoning....

    6. 3 days of internet research and I never went back to another meeting and I will not be going to the memorial

    You are not alone Oompa.
    We really are here for you.


  • WTWizard

    I made the decision to turn apostate when I realized that the cost of remaining faithful to the Witlesses exceeded the benefit. Having to exert myself vigorously to live forever in a world where all I would have access to was other men was not exactly my idea of cost effective. For that reason, I willfully and intentionally hunted for apostate web sites (as opposed to stumbling on one).

    Once I read the apostate Web sites, it was as if the lights were turned on. Those flashes of light were not very bright compared to having the real lights come on. I was relieved that, instead of going out in field circus and wasting my time, I would just post on apostate forums.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    It has been a long emotional and turbulent road. I never really got to the bottom of things until this board though. The last year has been fruitful in my progress. Remember though, thats 22 years after the fact. I think before one gets into the nitty gritty of things you have to overcome the emotional blackmail first. If you were born into it especially! You must accepet that your whole life has been a lie and that you missed everything. These are two huge hurdles.

    I could never make distinctions in life about the way the world is or what is normal either. I got to see that witness folks arn't that much different than anyone. We are all strange and capable of many things.

    To this day I just can't get over how cruel everyone I grew up with could be including family, but like I said human beings are endlessy capable of cruelty to their own kind. I wish in some ways I had seen a kinder side to humanity, but still I have learned many important lessons. Unfortunately, one of them is still not trusting anyone.

  • nvrgnbk

    I had supressed doubts for years, since I was a kid really.

    But I stayed busy and always thought the deficiency was in me, not the evidence.

    I guess looking at it, that's exactly what we were all trained to do.

    When I saw the UN thing for the first time, it made me ill. I was trembling and couldn't sleep for days.

    I thought it wasn't real.

    It couldn't be real.

    I told myself that I wouldn't get back on the Internet and prayed to Jehovah for help to restore my faith.

    But my brain was saying " Not so fast, buddy. It's time to wake up."

    When I went back to look at the info again, part of me was hoping it had all been a nightmare, that I wouldn't be able to find anything.

    Of course, it was all still there.

    My first really big discussion with my wife was en route to a District Convention where I had to give the baptism talk, we had about four hours to talk about it. That was Summer 2004. I remained an elder till Spring of 2006.

    It's really hard. Harder still with a kid involved and all the family and friends one ever knew still in the cult.

  • DanTheMan

    1. What was it like when you "awakend?"

    Frightening but liberating.

    2. How did you know, and......

    For me, what it came down to was the realization that the JW message, when stripped of all its decoration, is 'Join us or else our loving God is going to kill you'. Why I didn't make that connection earlier I don't know, denial I guess. But once I faced up to that naked truth, I was never again able to muster any enthusiasm for the religion.

    2.5 how did you react at that time?

    Continued to go to meetings for a few months cuz I was still scared, still wanting to believe, still unable to imagine being an Apostateā„¢.

    3.how long was it before you somehow took action on this event?

    Maybe half a year.

    4. Was there a particular thing that all of a sudden caused you to wake up, or did doubts build over the years?

    Doubts built up, but it was the 2001 District Convention, particularly the drama, when the mental dam broke. It was after that sickening drama that I really began to truly hate JWism.

    5.What finally did it for you?

    Probably the events of 9/11/01 were what sealed it for me. It was then that I finally, fully realized that JW's are not the center of the world.

    6. How long before you in some way were no more part of your congregation?

    I sent a letter of disassociation in March of 2002.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    2.5 how did you react at that time?

    3.how long was it before you somehow took action on this event?

    4. Was there a particular thing that all of a sudden caused you to wake up, or did doubts build over the years?

    5.What finally did it for you?

    6. How long before you in some way were no more part of your congregation?

    I experienced a rush of shock and relief when I suddenly realized that there was no Christlike love. That is the deciding factor mentioned by Jesus in the Bible: "By this all will know you are my disciples if you have love among yourselves." They didn't. I was free. I quit going immediately after realizing the environment was loveless. They tell you over and over again how there is love in the congregation, so it might take a while to realize that it is a lie. I had a bag of doubts hidden away in the back of my mind that I daren't look at. Finally, after discovering the ID'ing feature of the "true church" was missing (love), I gradually opened that bag of doubts and started to analize what was in it. I made a date of December 2005 being the last phantom time I would turn in. That was the cut off date. I quit going cold turkey after an evening of tearful roaming of the parking lot and no one coming out to check on me or ask me why I left the meeting all of the sudden. I stalked out of there after the umpteenth time of not having an interpreter. Enough was enough.

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