There is nothing normal at all about the JW culture. To be a true JW is to distance yourself from almost every aspect of normal life Welcome to the real world now.
And THIS is "IT" in a nutshell!
MY first reaction when I finally realized that I had been duped and lied to for 30 years---was while fighting the disbelief of it ALL, was a feeling a very real and intense pain in my gut. I felt as if I had truly been kicked in the midsection by a horse. I just wanted "it" to go away and I holed up in solitude and silence (except online) until I could come to grips with "it" and figure out what I would do. I did not even tell my husband what I had discovered (and uncovered) about the WTS for a few months.
As praticing and active JWs----we WERE the freaks---and each step AWAY from all those peculiar and unpopular beliefs was, for me, another step TOWARDS normalcy. I "sat on" this knowledge for months before I began to flex my "normal" muscles and take my stand back within the human race.
It takes time to reprogram all the thoughts you were accustomed to believing and being TOLD were "pleasing to God"....and to take stock in what you DO accept and believe and can live by now.There IS no reason to try and "rush" this transition period---we all have to go at our own pace and decide what is best for US. Go at it ---at whatever is good and comfortable for YOU. We are always here for advice, empathy for having "been there", and offering encouragement when needed. As one poster here recently told ME---we'll leave the light on for ya!
Oompa...I am SURE you are going to be fine---having a good sense of humor helps immensely, and we have seen that in you from the gitgo! Hang in there my friend!
extra hugs,