Yeah, we do have it good in the UK. I'm thankful for that. I'd like it to stay that way. If we took a back seat and said nothing, there are plenty of things that would come to pass. Right now there are Christians here who want Jerry Springer the Opera banned, creationism taught in UK schools and the Catholic church was going on about shutting down their adoption agency if homosexuals were given equal rights- not sure what actually happened with that. That's just a few things off the top of my head. It's not every Christian no, but as I've said in the Dissing Islam thread, the moderates just get in the way. It's like the JWs - and one example - they're not ALL pedophiles, but their beliefs mean that those who ARE pedophiles manage to get away with it a lot of the time. Even though there are many nice JWs, that doesn't stop us saying that the religion is dangerous. They don't force people at the doors, but they DO force their children to go along with it. Who else is going to be their voice?
But I'm against forcing, on both sides. If humans move away from religion, it shouldn't be forced. If nothing much changes, then at least I'll have had my say if things go bad. I'll know I tried.