Some of us just want to see an end to ORGANIZED religion so that ....
This is still hate speech in my book, no matter if you qualify that you'd still allow freedom of worship.
by restrangled 122 Replies latest jw friends
Some of us just want to see an end to ORGANIZED religion so that ....
This is still hate speech in my book, no matter if you qualify that you'd still allow freedom of worship.
It is true that Christianity is the predominate religion in the world. I have read this numerous times in various textbooks, encyclopedias, etc etc etc.
Islam is making alot of inroads here in the US, and even the UK from what I have read.
Ian wrote:
What, exactly, do you mean by 'organised religion'? For example, Buddhism is often classed as a religion and it is "organised" by monks - but it is classed as a philosophy, too. Now, as far as I know, Buddhism (Sri Lanka aside - which seems to have its own version) hasn't caused any trouble in the world, so would you ask for its banning, too?
I ask this in all sincerity as we have to be careful we don't lump all religion together.
Are you saying we should exempt Buddhism from being banned? Rest assured, if we allow people to ban one religion they'll end up banning yours next.
Saying one believes in freedom of worship and then saying one wants to get rid of organized relgion can not be harmonized. We need more tolerance in this world.
IMHO, It is funny that the least tolerant people on this board are the ones asking for tolerance. I don't want any religion outlawed, I just want them all to stop trying to run my life. Here are a few things, that religious laws are controlling today, abortion, same-sex marriage, stem-cell research, cloning, strip clubs, prostitution , alcohol, recreational drugs. Religion has weaseled it's way into everyones lives. Philip (of the your invisible friends, should not be controling my life class)
Well, Philip, at least we can agree on the propriety of outlawing organized religion.
I suppose we could change the subject to the items you've mentioned but that'd be an entirely different thread. Just to say, there are a variety of responses to the subjects you've mentioned and not even all "religious" people would agree on them. We'd also have to deal with how we determine the morality of various acts, such as whether the severely mentally retarded should be euthanised (that's been proposed by some ethicists in the past) or why we believe that pedophila is wrong (the NAMBLA folks disagree about that) and a host of other moral constraints some folks impose on society. That would be a major discussion...beyond the scope of this thread and one I don't have time for at the moment.
It is true that Christianity is the predominate religion in the world. I have read this numerous times in various textbooks, encyclopedias, etc etc etc.Islam is making alot of inroads here in the US, and even the UK from what I have read.
If you limit the definition of "predominant" to "most frequent or common", the answer is yes - Christianity is that religion. But they are not the majority, as no religion is large enough to be the majority religion when you consider the world as a whole.
The current numbers are published in this article:
Groups estimated to exceed 500,000 adherents which are not listed under any of the categories above are the following ([2]):
I've not read everything on this or all of the post, so forgive me if I've missed something. By just looking at the subject question, I would have to say I think that is a good idea. Although I haven't thought it completely through.
I think the growing popularity of non-denominational churches, that teach straight out of the Bible and forego all the ridiculous rules and regulations (such as emphasis on how you dress, membership demands, what you "do", etc...), shows that people are looking for Christian freedom. Not that they don't want to adhere to Biblical standards, but that they don't appreciate Pharisees deciding where they stand in God's eyes. Only God kows our hearts. The guy with the hole in the knee of his grubby jeans may be high and above the guy with the spiffy suit. Jesus didn't hang out with the "religious" groups. Why should I?
Some of us just want to see an end to ORGANIZED religion so that ....This is still hate speech in my book, no matter if you qualify that you'd still allow freedom of worship.
Religion breeds hate.
I say, good riddance to religion and hello to individual spirituality. If you want to brand me as using "hate speech" by saying that, well, what's more hateful, saying I think everyone should have their own beliefs but keep them private or saying, all who aren't believers in this or that will a. die at armageddon, or b. go to hell ?
I agree with Sweetstuff.....everyone should have their own church!......oompa
I agree with Sweetstuff.....everyone should have their own church!......oompa
Come worship at my alter Oompa, oh wait, you already do.