Greetings from a recovering mormon

by FormerMormon 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    In addition to reading the research paper I mentioned eairler (which you should be able to find on the internet for free) I would suggest you read the book "Crisis of Conscience. I think that will give you more than enough stories to work from

    The writer of the book, Raymond Franz, was on the Watchtowers highest council, the governing body. It is similar to your prophets, but not quite. Anyway he left the group wrote about his experiences. His website is His second book (In Search of Christian Freedom) is good as well, but is more doctrine oriented. That said it could give you great insight in how the JWs are similar in the poor arguments and reasonings they use to make their case.

    Thanks for sharing your story, I find it quite interesting!


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Witnesses say; "The bible is our only source of beliefs and Jesus is our only leader"

    Witnesses DO: "The Governing Body in New York Tells us how to live, e.g sexual positions that are banned, contraceptions that are aceptable. Can we own wind-chimes or play Chess, etc. EVERYTHING!! Most of it is not based on the bible. These are our leaders.

    We often make fun of Mormon Prophets who one day say "Poligamy is good" and ten years latter "poligamy is banned" but we have the same thing. Governing Body rules1979 "Organ Transplant is Cannibalism and banned." 1980 "Organ Transplant is Okay."

  • FormerMormon


    I tried finding a copy of Historical Idealism and Jehovah's Witnesses. The only one I could find was on a catholic forum website and that link was dead. Do you have another link?


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    We often make fun of Mormon Prophets who one day say "Poligamy is good" and ten years latter "poligamy is banned" but we have the same thing. Governing Body rules1979 "Organ Transplant is Cannibalism and banned." 1980 "Organ Transplant is Okay."

    A key point to notice in how JWs use tricky definitions to get around tough issues.

    The Watchtower will make a big deal saying that "we are not prophets!" but what differance does it make when you demand that your followers treat you like one?". JWs view their leaders just as the mormons view their prophets, but they feel better about it because they don't use the word prophet.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Send me a PM with your email and I can send it over to you this evening.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    The wife is TBM and whenever I bring up church history she SCREAMS "I don't know, I wasn't there, I don't care... the church is true". Strangely, when she blows up about this, she usually comes back within the hour very lovey dovey. I am looking at how to phase out and keep the family intact. I DONT WANT MY POSTERITY TO HAVE THE S**T SCARED OUT OF THEM AS I WAS. I do miss the assurance of an afterlife, validity of eternal families, celestial kingdom, etc. I want them to be true, but can't see how they can be, given the mountain of evidence, and the character of the "revelators" who restored these "truths".

    Sounds familiar to me. I left my True Religion () in 1989 and for 13 years my wife was as adamant as what you describe.

    Forgive me, but missing the assurance of the church truths is part of the grieving process -- an exit if you will from what was, to what is. You are in transition from what you wanted to believe, but could not, to what you truly are. It can be a frightening process. Having gone through it, I feel for you.

    Howdy and welcome.


  • Paralipomenon

    I checked out the ex-Mormon forum and had to laugh. They are referred to as apostates and reference the LDS as "morg".

    Kindred spirits indeed.

    In my research, Mormon's have a definitely weirder belief structure than witnesses. But to make up for this, they provide more for their "flock" through church inspired social programs.

    Witnesses are a meat grinder. Everyone is tossed into the machine and money and new converts come out. This money is reinvested in making the machine more efficient.

    Sorry FormorMormon, while witnesses have had some weird doctrinal thoughts, if your wife can justify the hollow earth theory, nothing in the witnesses will even phase her.

  • Qcmbr

    Be careful fellow posters Recovering Mormon either knows little about LDS real doctrine or he is yanking your chain - I can call him on several obvious oopsies.

  • SusanHere

    I agree. This "recovering mormon" is a poser. You guys are being led down the garden path by your noses and don't even know it.

    He has obvious doctrinal errors right from the beginning of his sob story. As JW's you aren't catching them, but anybody who is or has been LDS knows better that to buy into it. Just one example: As a child he was terrified by the hellfire and brimstone teachings. Guess what? Mormons don't believe in hellfire. Mormons don't believe in brimstone. If he was actually terrified by those teachings as a child, it was NOT at an LDS Church meeting.

    Far more likely, he never experienced this terrifying event at all, but it makes a great story and gains all sorts of sympathy for his supposedly tragic cultic upbringing.

    The more he says, the deeper he wades in the made-up hogwash of his own imaginations coupled with quotes from anti-LDS sites that anyone can easily access if they want to. I could list a dozen more examples of things that COULD NOT have happened to him in the Mormon church and COULD NOT have been taught to him in the Mormon church.

    He's jerking your chain, the same has this same poster has done several times in the past, until he was caught in his web of deceit and people finally wised up to his game.

    Believe him or not. It's your choice.


  • FormerMormon

    Hollow earth theory? I have heard the term. I haven't seen anything in the history of the church, jornal of discourses, mellenial star etc.

    As far as a poser???? I Give you Mosiah chapter 3:

    23 And now I have spoken the words which the Lord God hath commanded me.

    24 And thus saith the Lord: They shall stand as a bright testimony against this people, at the judgment day; whereof they shall be judged, every man according to his a works, whether they be good, or whether they be evil. 25 And if they be evil they are consigned to an awful a view of their own guilt and abominations, which doth cause them to shrink from the presence of the Lord into a state of b misery and c endless torment, from whence they can no more return; therefore they have drunk damnation to their own souls. 26 Therefore, they have drunk out of the a cup of the wrath of God, which justice could no more deny unto them than it could deny that b Adam should fall because of his partaking of the forbidden c fruit; therefore, d mercy could have claim on them no more forever. 27 And their a torment is as a b lake of fire and brimstone, whose flames are unquenchable, and whose smoke ascendeth up c forever and ever. Thus hath the Lord commanded me. Amen. Go to I am poster "Laman and Lemon". Do you want me to say "Hi" for you there? Read about the fear. Read about the blood oaths in the temple. If you think I am yanking your chain, then call away on how you think I have misrepresented a church I have been in my whole 41 years. Cheers

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