What does freedom from the Watchtower mean to you?
by AK - Jeff 34 Replies latest jw experiences
i am able to focus on making my family life and enjoying time together, and not feeling guilty about not being at the hall or service.
big d
well I am still in. But they do not have hold of me. That is wonderful. So if i want/need a blood transfusion - I will bloody well have one. If I want to go to the local casino - I will . And so on.
Initially I loved reading the Bible without being told what it meant. But I am now also enjoying no longer having the burden of never doing enough. And for some reason I don't feel guilty all the time.
I've enjoyed starting new friendships and rekindling family bonds with the worldly ones.
I'd do the happy dance but it makes me jiggle.
Freedom to be able to think for myself; not just in terms of religious beliefs, but in every day life.
I can talk to someone who believes differently than me and not feel that smug JW sense of superiority that I used to be programmed to feel.
I can buy Lucky Charms cereal without hiding it under other stuff in my grocery cart. I can also say "good luck" to someone without ducking for cover from lightning of divine origin.
I can be at home on a Sunday morning, Tuesday evening, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning without feeling guilty that I should be at the Kingdom "hell".
I can plan for the future without feeling guilty for not "putting the Kingdom first".
I can participate in birthday parties and holiday events at my workplace instead of desperately trying to avoid them like the plague.
I could go on and on, but that's a start.
Oh how I wish I had freedom from the Watchtower. You know, fading and dealing with the
JW wife and mother- that keeps me from freedom.Freedom is mainly a mind-thing in my case because of that. I have that already. I am free
to allow my mind to grow, feed it from any sources I choose. I am free to think what I want
about religion, God, the Bible. I am free from guilt because of what I think or do.The freedom I wish I had is to break the chains that WT has on my loved ones. I wish I had
the freedom to tell my wife that my "support group" includes former JW's. I wish I had the
freedom to walk away from WT with my loved ones included. The freedom to visit AK-Jeff or
Purplesofa or Blondie or an Apostafest along with my wife. For now, I will stick with the
freedoms I already have. -
You know besides Thanksgiving, I was at the Hannah Montana concert Friday. It was her birthday and everybody sang to her. I started crying because I could sing it without worrying who would see me.
Knowing I don't have to live in fear of being judged by them or anyone else. I live my life for my loved ones to share, and not an organization anymore. Complete freedom and control of my mind and life ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Locutus of Borg
Freedom from guilt and depression
Self esteem
Giving back to my community
Getting an Education . . . got my BS in Engineering at 49, Summa Cum Laude, yeah baby, take that you miserable pudknockers
Pursuing and developing my own god-given gifts and talents . . playing blues/rock guitar on a loud, red Stratocaster at the local dives
Realizing that there are alot of good people in this world and actually getting to know some of them
Sleeping in on the weekend
Not answering the door when some dolt selling religion knocks on it
Driving a fast, red, sports car
Loving family and friends for who they are, not what they do according to the dolts mentioned above
Having friends whose friendship and love is unconditional
Right now it means that I pretty much dont have friends anymore...maybe two or three. I have more time....alone....and I like that except it is because my wife and son are at meetings. It means that since WT was the only understanding I ever had about life after death, no ongoing spirit, death is sleep, that I sure hope they are right about he sleep part....I dont sleep real well now. It also means that I now wonder more than ever about why the hell we are here.....and what is after death..............oompa