SIGH... Mother troubles again...

by Elyse867 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ronin1

    I have to agree with WingCommander:

    Let your mom know that you sense or feel that she is not really happy living with your family and that you feel you are a spiritual hindrence to her.

    Also, let her know that you feel she could really use her own space and privacy and would be willing to help her find a place of her own. Also state that you are certain others in the cong, since they are so loving, will assist her in any way they can.

    This way you will be showing her still love and respect and also finding a resolution to your situation.


  • dawg

    Elyse, you are 5 times better a person then me, and that's a fact that can't be disputed... sometimes I read here things like this and I say, damn! I don't have it that bad. And look at your pure heart, I say that becasue I wouldn't have taken that shit one minute. My heart is black sometimes.... its pure at others.

    Honestly, I don't know what I'd do, that's insane... ingrate. Elyse, I really have no advice, as I've never been there and can't say what to do, but please know that I see what efforts your putting out and I admire the fu** out of it... sorry for my language, but I really can't believe my eyes.

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    Sounds like she wants empathy from the boyfriend, for doin her good deeds as a mom, and caring for her poor apostate almost, kids, and being the drama queen, she definately is selfish, and should be out of your lifes, and your kids!

    big d

  • flipper

    Yeah, I agree with Big D, your mom is an attention seeking drama queen who exaggerates her situation to get sympathy from her elder boyfriend . She wants him to bring the white horse as someone else said to save her, but if I were him , I'd run like hell ! I had a drama queen for 19 years. Ex-wife number 1 , also a witness . All witnesses feel they are special, therefore need special sympathy. Like Mrs. Jones and others said, " Give her 30 days. " The peace of your family unit is more important ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Hi sweetie, sorry to here about your Mother, the things she is doing to you.

    Tell her, We love you and want you to be apart of our Family, we tried to make you happy.

    I feel you are not happy here with us, you need to get your own place or go be with your Eder

    Friends, where you well be happy. Because you are not happy here. My children are not , (what you call raising another litter), that is what you call animals, my childern are not animals.

    If you don't love me and respect my Family. It is best for you to find your own place.

    ( She is not good for your Children,) She is trying to make you feel bad, don't you let her.

    You did your best.

  • R.Crusoe

    Out on a limb thought! Knowing some people from my past it crossed my mind that maybe two things are going on. First is that she doesn't want this guy to think she's choosing your way instead of theirs and so keeps barking to him so he's convinced that she's there under pressure or for all the right reasons. Second, I wondered whether there's an outside chance she might be hoping he takes her in and so is trying to get his sympathy and affection. I may be way off but those two things made me wonder what she's up to. Finally, it could just be she is totally up the JW creek and coz your not you can never do right by her - but hope this isn't her heart condition for your sakes.

  • jwfacts

    This is very sad to read.

    I would tell her the truth, say the computer was open to her email, that you are shocked at how heartless she is, and that since you are such a burden it is time for her to leave. JWs have this strange conceit that God is on their side and everyone else should naturally fall at their feet. It is very interesting to see the change when they realise that they do not have control. Once you take the upper hand by showing you will not cower to her there will be an important shift in how you are treated. It is then only you can move on.

  • JWdaughter

    It could be that she is trying to manipulate him. . .to propose perhaps?

    If you do the DA letter, are you willing to live with the consequences of losing her entirely? My mom makes me batty, but I love her more than she drives me nuts:) So that isn't a sacrifice I want to make.

    I just saw what JWfacts says and I think that such a direct approach and confrontation might clear the air and get you to the actual issue. You can find out if she is badmouthing you because she means it, or if she is sacrificing your reputation as a mother and a daughter, and denigrating your kids just to get sympathy/proposals/?? from the elder. Either way, it doesn't make her look good, but I think you should call her on it.

    Good luck!

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