My Very First Post

by leaving-jws 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    I had a strange one-hour conversation with my die-hard JW mother a few days ago. She basically told me that I she doesn't want me to have any children with my husband because "The End" is so close.

    My mother told me the same thing back in 1973. My son was born the following year, and oh what a joy!

  • RollerDave

    Welcome LJW!

    I am glad to see you posting and sharing.

    Yes, it IS sad to see so many so duped by these koolade slinging power freaks, and it is always sad to see our own family make foolish decisions based on foolish beleifs.

    I am glad to see that you feel strong enough to move beyond such things,


  • freeme
    The JWs do not have truth. It seems so crystal clear! But no one can see it but me...

    this made me cry my first months of serious doubtings. is it me who is ignorant everyone else? and "everyone" means everyone who i call friend or relative. all jws in my case.

  • coffee_black


    I was raised in the borg too. I was pregnant in 1975...when the end was supposed to come! Instead, my daughter was born in March of 1976. She's 31. Had I listened to all the council to wait to have children until after armageddon, I wouldn't have my daughter, my son, 3 grandchildren and one on the way.


  • Abandoned


  • wannaexit
    I am very disappointed in my mother

    Your mother is a victim too. Don't be too hard on her. She is only saying what she has been told to say and feel what she has been told to feel .

    I am glad for you for having recognized the org for what it is and have been successful in making a clean break.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Good for you, leaving! Do the things that make you happy in your life, not the things others say you ought to do to please their twisted sense of darkness. Live your life! Be well. Good luck and best wishes. Welcome!

  • willyloman

    Dear Leaving:

    Welcome to the half-way house, a wonderful place to stop on your spiritual journey. I stopped by here four years ago when I was an elder and conducting the WT study every Sunday. My immediate family was "in," including wife and grown childen. We were among the "prominent" folks in the congregation. But we had harbored nagging doubts for many years, based on the things we had seen and experienced in what we had always thought of as the one true religion.

    It was lack of real love and the rush to judgment that pervades the Society's thinking that finally got to us. We're all "put" now, happy as can be, loving our freedom. None of us has become a drug addict, promiscuous slut, or lost their job. There is life after the Watchtower!

    You quoted your mother as thinking the "the new WT" was a gift from the Society to show how close we were to the end. And yet the reality is the new WT is a cost-cutting move to offset the huge losses in donations they've encountered in recent years, especially since they went to the "voluntary" donation arrangement a decade or so ago. And they reason they did that was to protect their resources after the government went after Jimmy Swaggart Ministries in a case that scared the WT Society into thinking their suggested contributions would begin to be taxed as revenue. Of course, none of us were told that. It was "simplication," evidence of divine direction, and so on. If it was divine direction, one might ask, why did contributions drop off the cliff after the new arrangement was put into play? All of which has led to massive cutbacks in the production of books and magazines (where are the hardback books? where are the multiple new releases at the district convention?).

    These are the kinds of questions you will learn to ask here, and find answers to. And you are free to do so, which is the greatest gift of all.

    Much love on your journey.

  • GetOverIt

    Welcome leaving...I'm new here as well. It's not easy leaving but the more you learn the better you'll feel.


  • Akira

    Welcome! Great first post! I'm been married for more than a decade and have no children. Now I can't because of age and health problems. Be patient with your mom, she thinks is giving you good advice.

    Best regards,


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