My Very First Post

by leaving-jws 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome fellow newbie,

    On the subject of prayer, I was totally hung up on 'whatever you pray in harmony with God's will, he will answer.' I was so disillusioned time and again to pray for a Bible Study, and so many other things that didn't appear. Wasn't it in harmony with God's will. For me, prayer was like sending a letter to Santa.

    Ah, parenthood. I was there and paid rapt attention for the "Responsible Childbearing in the Time of the End" DC talk and WT study. My sister shocked us all when she and hubby had my niece. She is now in her twenties, attending college, and a gem. I, on the other hand, pioneered, went to Bethel, and now live in the land of disenchantment.

    Your mother is right about this being the time of the end... it is the time of the end for the WTBTS.

    This is the easiest time for the 'fade' into inactivity. The NBC story is a biggie. Go to MSNBC.Com, search Jehovah's Witness lawsuits. Print out the text of the story. DO NOT DO THE "DIRECT CONFRONTATION" - "LOOK WHAT I FOUND" WHILE I WAS BROWSING THE SATANIC INTERNET. Instead, at an opportune moment, tearfully announce that "While I was out in service [or with workmates, or around anyone else] this was put in my face and..." You might say, "they said that all you JWs are no better than Catholics after all." Or you could say "they asked if I pay money for the crimes of pedophiles." Or you could say, "they asked if I was a pedophile that Watchtower was hiding!" etc.

    Let whoever it is console and comfort you. They will certainly understand if you are too upset to attend meetings or go in field service. Let others know your trauma and how difficult service will be. If the elders get on your case, ask them how long they've known about these things. And what direction mother organization has given to her children. (Hint: NONE! WTBTS has sent no information to arm the elders. Speaking as a still 'spirit anointed appointed yet imperfect" elder... We have nothing but mindless "wait on Jehovah", "trust Mother", and "it's all worldly, satanic lies". We have been so plugged with pornea/non-pornea trivia that we can't think on our own.) Just one at a time add new questions like, "If the Society doesn't admit guilt, why did they pay so much money? How much was the lawsuit?" Try and make them say it from the article. Another time ask, "Isn't the Society going to sue NBC?" Just use the questions one at a time. Get creative.

    No, you aren't a liar for this, you are merely stating a hypothetical situation. I'll share info on 'untruth' another time.

    How am I doing for a sneaky secret leaker?

  • mouthy

    How am I doing for a sneaky secret leaker?

    For ME??? Your doing WONDERFUL!!!!! Keep it coming at MY age I am so happy to read yours also the elder above yours >>>>>>Makes my day

  • R.Crusoe

    She is thinking of the scripture saying 'woe unto those suckling children in those days..' referring to the end of days. Basically you need to forget that pressure otherwise your only course of action will be conformity to her views or a reaction to her views, neither of which is your own heartfelt wish. You need time to establish who you think you are and what you'd like to do with your life before asking yourself that question. That way anything that happens afterwards will be based on a firm foundation in your own mind. I understand it's not easy to know that when you're always thinking of others. Relax and take time to realize what you like! Don't do things you're uncertain about and say so if pressured!

  • alias

    Welcome, leaving-jws. You've crossed a bridge today.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Get Over It,

    WELCOME to the forum too!!!


    Lady Liberty

  • bebu

    Hi,and WELCOME!!

    I hope that you will go ahead and have children. What is she going to do, recommend an abortion???

    I'm sorry that she has such a messed up attitude toward grandkids. I can't imagine the hurt from that! I pray your husband will help you with all the support you need, and not let this comment haunt you and poison you.


  • leaving-jws

    Hello Everyone!

    I just want to convey to you all that I appreciate all of the suggestions and thoughtful advice. I am very happy to have your support. Thank you so much...

  • Quandry

    On the subject of child bearing ......I was pregnant with our youngest during the 1987 convention and the talk "Responsible child rearing in the time of the END " I left there soooo mad . The brother giving the talk made it sound like you are so irresponsible to bring children into this world at such a dangerous time of the end ....You should be fully devoted to the preaching work not distracted by needs of a family ........I am so glad we didn't always follow the FS advice to the letter ......I am sure my three son's are too !

    Ah, yes. I remember sitting at the DC as this talk was going on.....I was eight months pregnant, and huge in the front.....I felt like everyone was looking at me and thinking that I was not spiritual. I felt guilt at a time when I should have been the happiest with my first (and only) child.

    I do agree that there are families who have five, six, or more children and can't care for them all and should practice birth control....but not to have any?

    Now that my daughter is twenty, and my 84 year old mother is fading fast, and I am in my fifties, I am comforted by the thought that I will not be old and alone in this world...that's of course now that I've come to grips with the fact that I will indeed get old in this life......

    Well, welcome dear, and if you can have children, please do and consider them the blessing that they are.

  • LouBelle

    leavingjws - yeah welcome, stay around. I totally hear you on ""I see everything so clearly now....."" In my naievity I couldn't stop speaking about everything I had found out - I thought my family would realise that I had put in some serious studying to come to these conclustions - I had hoped they would at least listen - alas, they were the ones that organised my judicial committee and were going to testify against me (yes it felt like I was on trial)

    It's not going to be easy.

  • LennyinBluemont

    The "not having children" doctrine has done much damage to thousands of couples. My wife and I came in in 1973 and bought the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. We strove to be as "exemplary" as possible, thinking that meant we were following in Christ's footsteps. At the time we were in our early 20's, and influenced by this teaching, decided the truly spiritual course was to wait until the "new system" to have children, and concentrate on the preaching work during this time. Alas, now we are approaching 60. I left in 2001 and my wife in 2005. It's too late for us. If you really want children, DON'T WAIT!! We really wish we had, especially now that we realize the "new system" is a land of Oz.

    Here's something to chew on, that you mentioned: How arrogant is it for ANY human being to decide which prayers God listens to and which he doesn't? Isn't that the ultimate?

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