Islam Diss'ed Again....

by chappy 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotsman
    If she hadn't received a punishment, and if thousands of Muslims hadn't taken to the streets AFTER FRIDAY PRAYERS with knives and sticks calling for the teacher to be shot I probably wouldn't have said any of the following-

    The BBC reported a couple of hundred people converging on the presidential palace with sticks and one person with a ceremonial sword - and that they looked like rent-a-mob.

    While I deplore the Sudanese judiciary and governement I don't expect the UK governmnet to intervene with the judiciary of another country. If you live in another country you play by their rules. As a gay man, this makes some countries off limits to me. It's their loss!

  • serotonin_wraith
    The BBC reported a couple of hundred people

    I have BBC News on the TV now, their interactive service says 'thousands'.

  • katiekitten

    These people are crazy. They expect us to tolerate them when they come and live in our country, but they show zero tolerance of anyone else. They disgust me.

    We pass laws in our country to protect the religious freedom of everyone, we prohibit inflamatory words or actions, and they pass laws to promote religious intolerance and bias.

    Tolerance is truly a one way street. I dread the day moslems becomes the dominant religion in the UK.

  • scotsman

    I notice that the BBC News now describe it as "crowds", hardly the masses that would reflect national sentiment. Having said that, even if it were thousands would they reflect the the nation's sensibilities? The marches of the Countryside Alliance here were large but didn't reflect the attitudes of anyone I knew, but then again, I'm not a toff.

    KK, I doubt you or I will live to see the day that the UK is dominated by Islam but it sounds like you agree with Morrissey's recent comments....

  • katiekitten

    Problem is stories like this turn people like me into seeming bigots.

    I believe in everyones freedom of belief and expression, but it does depend on everyone tolerating everyone. If one group tolerates the other, and the other group is completely intolerant of the one, then there is a huge problem. Im not sure what the answer is.

  • MikeA

    Hillary, sorry but you again try to sway the conversation with things that mean nothing to it. Whether I study religious texts or not is my business and my reasons for doing so are likewise. I study or have studied them carefully. I do so that I might understand what it is that peoples believe and why. Some make more sense to me than others, and despite your hidden assertion, the Bible itself NEVER really made sense to me. Too many places where it contradicts itself or is completely out of line with known fact. So don't try to put me in those boxes.

    I am an astrophysicist by education. Thus my heavy science background and my attitude towards religions (fairy tales), in general. I feel reasonably confident in calling religions "fairy tales" because most, if not all, statements of historical or so-called scientific fact written within their pages are utterly incorrect when properly researched.

    The danger here is that these believers in a "horror" story are following that story as if it were real. Insisting that you and I believe the same. To the point that they will bullwhip a person to death for naming a teddy bear after their so-called prophet....... whose only REAL motive was to have ultimate power and "profit" from his fairy (horror) story world. Get it?

    Are you muslim or are you just "anti" everything considered western? To the point that you will excuse the activities of these so-called educated people because someone else did the same thing a thousand years before they were even a religion...... I am speaking of a religion, an entire religion here.... not the acts of a few morons.

  • serotonin_wraith
    The marches of the Countryside Alliance here were large but didn't reflect the attitudes of anyone I knew, but then again, I'm not a toff.

    There were plenty of anti-fox hunting protests too. Has anyone heard of any moderate Muslims protesting that the teacher should be set free and that the extremist ones are giving them a bad name? So far I'm only seeing a few public statements from leaders saying it's bad - and then not actually stopping it with the powers they have. If they could, I dunno..

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Of course one mad bomb happy christian is entirely different to a government act backed up by police and the law courts.

    What about George Bush?

  • Mary
    I noted, give Islam time and it will either break or adapt as has Christianity. Islam and the historical roots of Christianity both contain barbaric ethics. I hope that you can see this, in many ways one has moved beyond this because of geography and age of existence, the other is still en-route. My argument is that when it comes to the Bible, the lessons taught by history seem to be very easily taken on board by its adherents, but they cannot seem to understand that ideologies yet learning from history should be given equal leeway in order to maintain some sort of reasoned approach.

    The problem is that Islam does not want to progress or evolve alongside the rest of the world and this example of what they want to do to the teacher is proof of their unreasonable, murderous behaviour. So what do we do in the mean time? Just sit by and let them reek havoc on the rest of the world while waiting for them to catch up? They do not seem to understand "reason" and I certainly do not believe that they should be given more 'leeway' for their neandrathal behaviour. The more you appease the aggressor, the more aggressive them become.

    You intone an appeal to evolution, well then, let us talk in such terms and then perhaps the point might not be missed. Supposing a human chastises a chimpanzee for not acting like a human, suggesting that the chimpanzee should learn from the lessons learned by humans. Why would this argument and approach be ridiculous? Because, though the chimpanzee and human share a common ancestry, they are at different stations in development. Islam and Christianty are likewise, due to geography and time at different stations in life, and unfortunately a modern world which knows few boundaries of time and space have thrown these two imo equally foolish ideologies into the same pot.

    Sorry, I don't agree. A chimpanzee could never learn to behave totally like a human (although some of their behaviour is quite human-like). There is no reason whatsoever why Islam should be stuck in a perpetual time warp of the Middle Ages. At one time, they were actually ahead of Christian culture. There is little doubt that Islam has left behind the most brilliant period of their history. They brought about a brilliant culture which lasted for several centuries. For centuries the Muslims excelled in crafts, sciences, philosophy, arts, and higher social order throughout the world. Other cultures adapted much from them. Today the Muslims as compared to many other nations and to their own glorious past are in a pitiable state of decline and backwardness and they seem intent on carrying the rest of the world with them. To me, they have no desire to 'catch up' with the rest of the world and prosper, they only seem to want to regress further and further.

    You don't see the Jews of today still attempting to enforce these ancient and arbitrary laws on stoning wayward children, or putting to death a woman who doesn't scream while being raped, etc. They don't put someone on the rack for questioning the Catholic Church anymore and they don't burn people at the stake. In other words: we've learned from past mistakes and we've evolved.

    I guess you have missed news items earlier this year about a group of Orthodox Jewish men who punched and kicked an American Jewish woman for refusing to take "her place" at the back of the bus and give up her seat to a man.

    You're always going to get individual nutbars in any religion. There's some nutbar fundy Christian who goes around to the funerals of homosexuals and military personel with signs that say "God hates fags" and other disgusting slogans. That's probably never going to change. The point I'm making is that with Islam, many of their whacked out beliefs and laws are official in their cultures/countries. This isn't just a few crazies who think she should be whipped, it's the frigging law there! This idea of a teacher getting 40 lashes for something as silly as letting a student name a teddy bear after Mohammed shows the depths of their insanity. For example, what would happen in Canada, the USA, England, France, Israel or any other Christian or Jewish country/culture, if a teacher let their student name a teddy bear "Jesus" or "Moses"? Would the teacher have been arrested? Would they be facing 40 lashes? Would there be groups of young men gathered on the streets shouting death threats?

    The women's movement and human rights movements of the 60's were only 40 years ago. Oh, sure we've come a long way baby, but our "evolution" is only a few generations removed from our old testament ancestors. Lets not rest on our laurels and our superiority just yet!

    Yes we have come along way in 40 years. However, I still don't recall it being law 45 or 50 years ago around here, where a teacher could get 40 lashes for some perceived offense. I'd say we're more than just a 'few generations' removed from the Old Testmant here.

    Regardless, this latestincident involving the teacher doesn't say a whole hell of a lot about Islam. In fact, it epitomizes religious stupidity.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Regardless, this latest incident involving the teacher doesn't say a whole hell of a lot about Islam. In fact, it epitomizes religious stupidity.

    Well, I won't argue with you there. Truer words were never spoken! The question is, how does one fight religious stupidity? With education? With violence? I don't even know the answer to that one. Just throwing it out there.


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