Mr. Flippers Son Anti-Witnesses to his Fanatic Witness Mother

by flipper 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    ::::::::: One day I am positive that we will understand each other better ! :::::::::

    Wise beyond his years I'd say. Very nice and respectful letter!

  • helncon

    Mr Flipper you have one great son.

    You should be proud of him.

    Heck even i shed a tear.



  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    A chip off the old block.

    Way to go Flipper Junior!


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Clearly, he takes after his father...wink, wink

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    No offense Flipper but your ex-wife sounds like she is the who's brain dead, mentally and morally !

    As for your son he sounds like a delightfully intelligent fellow, you should be proud of that lad

  • Maddie

    I am not surprised you are proud of your son, he sounds a very fine young man.


  • momzcrazy

    Your son has got a great head on his shoulders. I'm proud to know his dad.

    I found it interesting, though, that he died within hours of the judge's ruling. By the time they went to court it was more than likely already too late. Especially since he had only been sick since the spring.

    I want to be like your son when I grow up.


  • dawg

    I surpirses me not that your son would display a kind heart and sound mind... he has a great example in you my dear Flipper, and another in Mrs. Flipper... I love you both and wish you all the joy this life can afford you... Your son seems like a great young man, I'm glad his life is free from this foolish cult, and that he sees the light in others... Good luck to you all.

  • PEC

    You did a good job raising your son, Mr. Flipper.


  • ex-nj-jw

    You have every right to be a proud poppa!


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