Mr. Flippers Son Anti-Witnesses to his Fanatic Witness Mother

by flipper 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    You have a very intelligent son.

  • mouthy

    O.K. now it is YOUR turn to put your head or chest out the window with pride.
    What a wonderful response to his Mum & you can read the respect. & humor..
    I would be honered (if I was still a JW) to have received a letter like that from any whom I was trying to make feel guilty
    Sound like to me Flipper you did a good job with that "ARROW"" Well Done both of you((((HUGS))

  • pratt1

    What a great letter.

    If you every feel that you haven't accomplished enough with your life, just reread that letter and you will know that your greatest accomplishment, was getting your son to be a free thinker and not mislead by that dangerous cult.

  • flipper

    TOO BAD TOO SAD- Thanks . I fel he's pretty bright too. But I feel he has emotional intelligence as well as intellectual intelligence which, in my opinion, is just as important ! Some people have one or the other , he is lucky to have both !

    MOUTHY- I do have a lot of pride in him ! Thanks ! I agree that his mom should feel honored having a caring letter written to her like that . But being controlled as she is by " the cult " don't bet your life on a good response from her . She responded last night and wrote him ! I'm going to start another thread on her response and his reply to her response . The thread should be up in about 30 minutes or so.

    PRATT 1- Thank you . I do feel like I accomplished a lot helping him develop the free thinking ability . But he did a lot too for his own education, so you have to give him credit too ! I've been along for the ride watching him grow, and it's been a wonderful ride ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • What-A-Coincidence

    mr flip is a good man ...

    this message brought to you WAC

  • flipper

    Thanks WAC, you are a hell of a good guy too ! What a coincidence a dolphin would say that ! Strange days. Peace out to you, Mr. Flipper

  • Gretchen956

    Puff your chest out, dad, your son is very articulate and empathetic, you have every right to be proud of him, hell I'm proud of him and I don't even know him! Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


  • flipper

    GRETCHEN- Thanks, if you get a chance read the latest thread on how his mom wrote him back and his second response to her . You will see she replied very much in a " cult controlled " manner and he was still loving to her. Hell of a son, love him to pieces

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