Terry, you have long been one of my favorite posters on the board. You don't mince words. I like that. I am the mince queen! Hate that about myself.
Have you checked w/an entertainment lawyer on the real names in your book? I think you might have an issue there.The reason why in the beginning of books they say "any resemblance to actual persons, places or events is entirely coincidental" is to protect folks legally. Yours are obviously not just coincidental resemblances. If it were NON FICTION, stating true names would be one thing since you are standing behind your statements about their actions and words. But putting a person who is a correctional officer, in a particular prison, with a specific name and time frame-I think you have trouble. Fictionalize every name or do a memoir and tell it like it was. I favor the Memoir approach rather than the fictional, but of course that is your call.
I know it is hard, hard facing who you were and how you felt and what happened to you. Truth is compelling. Based on the truth is just teasing. The reason why in the beginning of books they say "any resemblance to actual persons, places or events is entirely coincidental" is to protect folks legally. Yours are obviously not just coincidental resemblances.
I had no idea until this post (or it got lost in all the thousands of posts I have read) of your experience. I can't wait to read the book! I hope you are able to find a publisher that will promote it. With all the funky JW things happening, it might be more likely to happen with a timely and compelling story of how the WT treats its sales personnel. How the congregation treats those who put it on the line for the vindication of their organizational name.
Being a true believer then, and being who you are now. . .do you think you would have otherwise gone into the military then without a fight? If you had not been indoctrinated at the time?
Many say the bible is compelling because it shows faithful men-warts and all. That makes it believable and compelling for many. I really think your story would be more compelling as your story. You are a new and different man now than that boy who experience those things. The experience changed you, life changed you, age changed you. The person you were then is someone else, but he is just as real whether you admit to him or not. And you don't have to address things that you can't address or won't touch with a ten foot pole. The only business of yours that is our business is that which you choose to share with the readers.
I am interested in day to day details of a person in prison who really is 'innocent', that is-not guilty of a crime against persons or propterty, not a 'bad guy'. (leaving out the politics/morals of CO) How did you feel about the other inmates? Did you learn things about yourself or others that made you better, worse, kinder, less so? Did it affect the way you raised your children or treated your wife? Do you have any kind of PT stress syndrome? Has it affected your ability to be gainfully employed?
Do you need a proofreader/second eye?? I am a reader and a continuity critic(I hate when writers forget details and contradict themselves in an otherwise good book)