I Got this Parrot

by Honesty 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    I got this Parrot from a friend who used to be a JW and I don't know if I can keep him (I think he is a he) because he has a nasty habit that I can't break him from.

    He is driving me crazy with his nasty habit.

    I am having a hard time going to sleep even though I cover his cage at night.

    Does anyone have any suggestions other than cooking him in the oven?

    I really don't want to get rid of him but something has to be done... soon.

  • ninja

    shouldn't this be on the monty python thread?

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Honesty,

    What is the nasty habit???


    Lady Liberty

  • Honesty

    I haven't read that thread.

    Did someone else get a parrot, too?

  • Honesty

    He only knows two phrases, Lady Liberty and he just will not shut up no matter what I do.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Honesty...

    Sounds like you have your hands full!! What are his two phrases??


    Lady Liberty

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    (I think he is a he) because he has a nasty habit

    I thought it was THE nasty habit, that all males seem to have. I have actually witnessed my cockatiel doing it. So I know that SHE is a HE. But I still refer to HiM as a HeR. Just easier, and I don't have to think about the NasTY.

  • orbison11

    LOL Ii once had a female cockatiel

    she would do the nasty habit on her wooden pole she sat on,,then her feathers would expolde, then she would almost fall off of it

    was too funny


  • nomoreguilt

    Simple. Reprogram the parrot. Or add to his vocabulary, "RAAAAAAAAAAAK! WITNESSES LIE" or something likewise catchy and pass him on as a gift to an active dub.

    Any others care to contribute?

  • Honesty

    The former JW friend's wife is an active JW and she is also a pioneer sister.

    The parrot is an African Gray and he can hold his own against my two cats and chihuahua so I like that.

    But he keeps yelling over and over and over the same thing...

    "That's apostate thinking" and "The society says"

    That bird is going to drive me out of my mind if I don't find a solution.

    I had no idea he was going to be such a burden or I would have refused to take him.

    I had no idea that he has such a limited vocabulary.

    My ex-JW friend said, "No way" when I tried to give him back.

    He said one parrot was enough in a home and the one he kept is worse than the one he gave me.

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