MOUTHY- I think my son was smart also not to give her his address! Yes, she is a recipient of what has been planted in her mind !
MOMZCRAZY- That's a good piece of advice ! Just to be kind to her, tell her he loves her , and that she is important ! And avoid all witness talk !
CHANGELING- I agree with you. He may need to set " ground rules " as you say such as no talking of religion. Still show love but respectfully ask her not to preach her religion to him. I too agree in a win, win like you . Bear in mind though , my ex-wife likes to cause division. I think she is up to something here. Like trying to pull my son away from me too. I know her all too well after being married 19 years to her. I got her number !
JK- Yeah, buddy ! He realizes he probably won't get through to her. He admitted that to me last night when working with me on jobs. She is definitely in a " mind control " witness state, with the ss governing body appointed gestapo , I'm quite sure as you are. I agree with you that her quotes were definitely a cut and paste affair. She sure couldn't have come up with those ideas on her own ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper