Mr. Flipper's Son Gets 3rd response from Witness Mother - Your Advice ?

by flipper 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • JK666

    Mr. Flipper,

    As with most JW's, it is easier for her to "cut and paste" articles than to actually think! I hope he realizes that he may never get through to her. She seems like she is part of the JW SS. I am glad that your son withheld his address.


  • flipper

    MOUTHY- I think my son was smart also not to give her his address! Yes, she is a recipient of what has been planted in her mind !

    MOMZCRAZY- That's a good piece of advice ! Just to be kind to her, tell her he loves her , and that she is important ! And avoid all witness talk !

    CHANGELING- I agree with you. He may need to set " ground rules " as you say such as no talking of religion. Still show love but respectfully ask her not to preach her religion to him. I too agree in a win, win like you . Bear in mind though , my ex-wife likes to cause division. I think she is up to something here. Like trying to pull my son away from me too. I know her all too well after being married 19 years to her. I got her number !

    JK- Yeah, buddy ! He realizes he probably won't get through to her. He admitted that to me last night when working with me on jobs. She is definitely in a " mind control " witness state, with the ss governing body appointed gestapo , I'm quite sure as you are. I agree with you that her quotes were definitely a cut and paste affair. She sure couldn't have come up with those ideas on her own ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • darkuncle29

    I think she's trying to pull the "Mom Card", use a little guilt. I'd ask her, if JHVH is gods name, what are the vowels? I mean, if we're going to say it, we need to know the vowels right?

    I kinda think he should lay off a little, her shields are up and her buttons are pushed, and you can't expect to accomplish much with her inthat mode.

    Good boy for being so smart, and seeing past the WTS skubellon.

  • flipper

    DARK UNCLE- Yeah, I appreciate your input. Good thoughts. I too think she is in defense mode at present and /or attack mode. I say that because as we are speaking she sent him another e-mail after the one you see here proliferating her beliefs to him. You are right though she always has been a person who tries to use guilt as a motivator. Doesn't work on my son though. As you said, he is smart, wasn't born yesterday. Thanks for your thoughts

  • wanderlustguy

    maybe try asking some questions that will result in her having to dig for answers, like what did the witnesses believe in 1914, and why based on that do we know Jesus chose the Dubs?

  • dinah

    Mr. Flipper,

    I agree with darkuncle, she is in defensive mode right now. Anytime they are challenged they circle the wagons--so to speak. Maybe after the dust settles he could just highlight the flip flops in policy and how they have cost people their lives.

    A JW Mom can play the guilt card like a pro. Our mother (org) did it all the time, remember?

    Your son is doing fine so far, but he may need to use the kid gloves for awhile. If you push a believer too far, they tend to kinda snap and not be able to reason( as if they really can in the first place without magazines). It would be great if he could give her a research project that would make her dig out the old bound volumes and see the differences between then and now.

  • flipper

    WANDERLUST GUY- That is a good thought dude ! Ask her questions to do research on. The 1914 one would be good considering the " time of the end " or the " last days " are lasting forever ! Good advice. Peace, bro !

    DINAH- Yes. I agree with you. She is in defense mode at the moment circling the wagons as you say ! You are right the org. did it all the time to us. A research project would be good for her to help her stay busy so she would stop harassing him constantly ! Thanks

  • worldtraveller

    My intent was to not upset my JW buddy, but when I REALLY figured out just what he thought of me and other non jw's, I told him I would never EVER talk about the WTS. I found that it got him so upset-he told me the next day he was angry enough to heve gotten violent. So at that point I knew how to handle it all. Simply DO NOT ENGAGE THEM in any discussion. As soon as you do, they believe they are winning. No discussion, they are lost, because without that discussion, there is nothing left except a black hole.

    Conclusion, never discuss the issues of the Witnesses-that's all they have in their lives. Simply discontinue this waste of time.

  • flipper

    WORLDTRAVELLER- I agree with you. It is a waste of time . I think it would impress my ex-wife more if my son starts saying to her, " Mom. This discussion of religion is just not open to discussion. But I still love you . ' It would at the very least cause her to shut her pie-hole for awhile ! Jeez! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    MY son got another response from his mom which he replied to tonight, but hey, I need to go to sleep, have a long day of work tomorrow. But in his response I feel he gave his best response yet . His mom in the e-mail he sent me was really pouring the guilt trip on him , however in his response he stayed strong, focused, and resolute in his responses to her, not swayed by her emotionalism . I will post it Wednesday , as I will have more time then. I want to say to all of you from my heart, thanks for caring and helping my son and myself to have good opinions on how to deal with this assertive witness mother. It is a privilege to have friends on the board like you folks. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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