Mr. Flipper's Son Gets 3rd response from Witness Mother - Your Advice ?

by flipper 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    Depending on the next response, he could start using a bit of theocratic warfare and taking the tone of asking for guidance instead of directly challenging the truth. Using some questions that can't be answered , he might can get her to think more, but it's going to be tough, I would imagine the very appearance of his name in her inbox triggers all kinds of programming. The trick is to get under the programming to the mother who wants to help her son. Attacking the org is impersonal and triggers the deeply intrenched "debate" responses of circular reasoning. He will likely need to appeal to the mom in her, almost like he just fell off a bike (back in the day) and needs help fixing a wound.

    You can't go head to head with the truth, maybe try asking unanswerable questions, lead her down the path.

    Just like eating an elephant, you can't do it all at little bite at a time.


  • flipper

    WANDERLUST GUY- Yeah, in this last e-mail he did come across more personal to her, as you will see when I post the thread on Wednesday . However she came across more emotional too, you know, " your sisters and my hearts are broke ", that kind of stuff , trying to tug at his emotions. But to his credit he stayed strong and answered in a balanced kind way. I'm going to talk with him tomorrow probably, so I'll tell him some of the stuff you guys have written. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    several have said what I am thinking: why is it always 'you want to rebel, not answer to anyone'. like that's a bad thing? just say what you mean mom, you taught me to decide right from wrong, to stand on my own, to be strong and think things through, but turns out, you don't want me to actually do any of that. . .

    jeez, can I write to her???

  • Snoozy

    I noticed when the witnesses are stumped..they change the bible subject..which is what she did. She got called on the Child abuse in the congregations and she responds with the YHWH issue?

    She barely mentioned the child abuse issue. I would continue on the same lines and not talk about anything else..flood her with actual accounts of abuse in the congregations and stick with that for now.

    It doesn't have anything to do with how all the congregations have the same talk on the same day..or how united they are in their beliefs..(that's another story).

    Always go back to the child abuse issue..then when that has been covered to show the extent of abuse that is going on in the religion and the poor way the problem is being handled....only then would I move on to another subject...nothing gets accomplished otherwise.

    It would mean doing research on his part but the computer offers plenty of information!

    Snoozy...(Patting your son on the back)

  • 95stormfront
    DO NOT ENGAGE THEM in any discussion. As soon as you do, they believe they are winning. No discussion, they are lost, because without that discussion, there is nothing left except a black hole.

    Conclusion, never discuss the issues of the Witnesses-that's all they have in their lives. Simply discontinue this waste of time.

    Lately, this is the tact I've taken with my JW wife.

    I'm sure that she doesn't understand why when she talks about her latest d2d exploits or how the "friends" have done this or that that I have nothing to say pro or con. I know all she's looking for is affirmation and in rare cases it is due, but when there is no affirmation, what I have to say is met with the draw-bridge being let up and seperation by a crocodile infested moat.

    Occasionally she tries to entice me into reading some article she finds particularly interesting, but, when I show no signs of wanting to read it or finding it interesting, after a bit of silence she gets the point.

  • flipper

    PIONEER SPIT- The witnesses always think we are rebelling when we see things differently or are questioning things. My son's mom always speaks in circles, always has a different meaning behind what she is trying to convey. I'd love for you to talk with her too, however I feel you'd get the same response.

    SNOOZY- She as all witnesses change subjects when they are stumped. Good suggestion by you to flood her with child abuse stories to bring her back to the original subject they were discussing ! It makes her stick to one subject instead of jumping around . Good advice .

    95 STORMFRONT- Not engaging her at all in a discussion, especially if it doesn't get anywhere is a good idea ! Let her simmer in her own thoughts awhile

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