HUBERT- O.K. Hubert, you caught me ! LMAOL ! I confess. I forgot to shave my hair on the night of Septmember 16th and had my personal werewolf attack ! I forgot to shave and was out on our mountain property doing my stretching exercises !
BUMBLE BEE- Yeah, it can get creepy walking out in the country or woods by yourself ! I used to cut firewood in the late 80's and early 90's for a side living out in the forest alone in the Sierras here in California. Nobody around for miles and I think a person does start hearing things . It is weird.
SKEETER-1- Sounds like you've been around a lot of scary animals yourself ! Hey, if you went camping with me I'd knock you out with Yukon Jack whiskey, forget the beer, so you wouldn't have to worry ! I have had a few posters on JWD who have private mailed me from across the country and have said they saw a Bigfoot, actually one person within 20 feet of one ! But I would never give up their names for the sake of confidentiality, and ya'll would think they are crazy or tease them mercilessly ! Just joking . My son and I are going on another Bigfoot trip in May to the area he had an initial altercation with one ! Should be interesting !
MOMZCRAZY- Yeah, he is doing both as you say ! I think he is stretching to pick something up around the tree. And he is inadvertently mooning the camera at the same time ! LMAOL ! A Bigfoot that can multitask ! Wow ! Guess our White house could use a guy like that right about now ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper