September 16th Night Photograph of Juvenile Bigfoot in Pennsylvania

by flipper 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Looking at those pics brings back a childhood memory. This was in the mid '70's. I had seen a movie or show on TV about Bigfoot. We lived out in the country and I had to walk to the next concession to catch the school bus. I was in grade 2 or 3. I walked there alone, there weren't many houses around and where I had to wait for the bus was surrounded by bush. Every twig that snapped, every branch that swayed, every leaf that rustled, I thought for sure was Bigfoot! It was very creepy!


  • skeeter1

    You can't convince me. I get the HEE-BEE-GEE-BEES.

    I I've been hunting & hiking in the backwoods. I've run into alligators in the wild, like 2 feet away from a BIG male alligator & less than 5 feet away from a 13 foot salt croc. Been in the water with sharks. Stepped on a sting ray. I've been right near Elk, Moose, Deer, and even a Bear in the forrest. But, nothing worse than a mysterious BIGFOOT.

    Remind me never to go camping with you. Your campfire stories + a 6 pack of beer = Skeeter would never sleep. LOL.

  • momzcrazy

    Is he doing yoga or mooning the camera?


  • flipper

    HUBERT- O.K. Hubert, you caught me ! LMAOL ! I confess. I forgot to shave my hair on the night of Septmember 16th and had my personal werewolf attack ! I forgot to shave and was out on our mountain property doing my stretching exercises !

    BUMBLE BEE- Yeah, it can get creepy walking out in the country or woods by yourself ! I used to cut firewood in the late 80's and early 90's for a side living out in the forest alone in the Sierras here in California. Nobody around for miles and I think a person does start hearing things . It is weird.

    SKEETER-1- Sounds like you've been around a lot of scary animals yourself ! Hey, if you went camping with me I'd knock you out with Yukon Jack whiskey, forget the beer, so you wouldn't have to worry ! I have had a few posters on JWD who have private mailed me from across the country and have said they saw a Bigfoot, actually one person within 20 feet of one ! But I would never give up their names for the sake of confidentiality, and ya'll would think they are crazy or tease them mercilessly ! Just joking . My son and I are going on another Bigfoot trip in May to the area he had an initial altercation with one ! Should be interesting !

    MOMZCRAZY- Yeah, he is doing both as you say ! I think he is stretching to pick something up around the tree. And he is inadvertently mooning the camera at the same time ! LMAOL ! A Bigfoot that can multitask ! Wow ! Guess our White house could use a guy like that right about now ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Honesty

    40 miles north of here a woman saw a craeture.

    Her description of it was exactly the same as those pictures.

  • skyking

    History channel just showed two show about Big Foot. It has made me an open minded person. Could not believe they have DNA and Hair from an UNKNOWN Primate the lives in the America's. Then say they don't have enough proof for the scientist. What more do they need?

  • flipper

    HONESTY- I believe what you say ! There have been a lot of sightings in your area, in the Appalachian mountains, right? It is the Appalachian mountains ? I'm from California you understand . Just know the Sierra mountains and Cascade range.

    SKYDIVING- I agree. If the scientists get DNA evidence it should be enough to convince them . Scientists are so anal though they probably want a live specimen of the species. Good luck on that ! These damned Bigfoots are reported to be 6 to 8 foot tall, weigh about 300 to 600 pounds, with shoulders about 4 feet across ! Try hauling one of these babies in willingly to see the local scientist ! I think we may have a better chance of pissing in the wind and not getting it on ourselves ! Time will tell however

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Mr Flipper - that is a huge animal. Have there never been any remains found?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I cannot be fooled.

    That's a Penn State alumni.

  • Honesty
    HONESTY- I believe what you say ! There have been a lot of sightings in your area, in the Appalachian mountains, right? It is the Appalachian mountains ? I'm from California you understand . Just know the Sierra mountains and Cascade range. Flipper

    Yes, the Appalachians.

    The woman was in either Scott or Campbell County Tennessee near the Kentucky border.

    I have also seen two black panther here in the last three years. I know what they are because I have seen them in southeastern Georgia near the Okeefenokee swamp when I lived in Florida and traveled the back roads on business. The National Park service finally admitted that we have panthers in the Great Smoky MT. National Park after a couple from Florida videotaped one near Elkmont in the park and it had the date and time stamped on the film and the background matched where they took the rangers when they investigated.

    The creature that this woman saw had been in the area for a week or so when she reported it and the farmers were worried because they had been reporting for several days before her sighting to the Sherrif's Department that something was scaring their cattle at night. It was big news around here for a couple of weeks. A crew from one of the university's came in and looked for it over a weekend but didn't find any scat or prints.

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